~ Thunder & Lightning ~

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(Joe's POV)

Bang Bang

I instantly woke up, my body feeling warm and my body shaking. You see, I've always hated the thunder. It's always scared me; ever since I was little. I used to stay in Zoe's bed every night, but now I can't do that as I sleep on my own. The thunder and lightning seemed to be getting louder so I quickly pulled the covers over my head, blocking out the sound. Suddenly the thunder became even louder than before, making me scream out in shock. I tried to hide myself under the covers but it wasn't helping.

"Joe?" I heard someone say. I pulled the covers off of me before converting my head towards the door; to see Caspar standing there, shirtless might I add. "C-Casp." I whimpered out. He slowly shut my door before walking over to me. He jumped into the other side of the bed before putting his arm around me. I placed my head onto his shoulder as he whispered nice words into my ear. I had now calmed down and was currently lying, literally on top of Caspar. "Thanks Caspy, for comforting me." I whispered as I looked at him. He looked over at me and smiled. Then, my eyes locked with his. It had felt like time had stopped, the thunder had stopped and it was only us two. Everything was perfect, my crush's lips were now brushing against mine, my temperature had now died down back to normal, nothing could be better. My eyes landed on Caspar's lips as did his. I slowly started to lean in..

I jolted awake looking around my room. It was a dream; It was a f*cking dream. Why was I so stupid? Caspar would never kiss me, god he's as straight as a ruler! He loves girls, not boys, he loves girls, not boys. The words started to repeat in my head, it's true, Caspar would never love me. I decided to just relax for a bit, checking Twitter, and other social medias. Was I going to tell Caspar about my dream of kissing him? Should I? Or should I not? I guess I do need to think...

Sorry its short.

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