~ Airport Kiss ~

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So Hi! I got back into watching them, and now I ship them again. I may not be able to update everyday as I handle 3 other books, but I'll try my best. Anyway, enjoy!


(Joe's POV)

I had missed him so much. Being away from him is literally a chore, but when we meet up again, it feels like that chore has been done and I'm getting my reward.

As I stepped into the airport, already girls were running over to me, waving their phones and pens in the air. As Caspar's plane was landing in around 10 minutes, so i had enough time to take a few pictures. I signed a few girls bags, clothes and phones and I took many pictures with them, before telling them I had to go.

I stood still for a moment, looking around for any sign of Caspar. Then I spotted him, looking perfect as ever. Everything after that was very hard to process, Caspar came running up to me, engulfing me in a hug. Then I did the most stupidest thing ever, I kissed him. I kissed him when there were literally hundreds of screaming fans around.

It felt like they had all shut up, and they were just staring at us, kissing each other. Then they starting screaming and squealing. I'm pretty sure I heard people faint and people's phones flashing. But I didn't take any notice, I focuses on Caspar. I stared into his beautiful eyes before pressing my lips to his again.

They kiss lasted quite a long time, making up for the 2 weeks we were separated. I felt happy. Happy to be with the love of my life.

Eventually, we pulled away, cheeks flushed. Everyone looked so happy, no one looked disgusted, which made my smile grow even bigger. I turned towards Caspar, who was smiling like me. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed his luggage before we ran out of the airport, our smiles bright. 

That was one of the most best days of my life.


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