~ Just Tell Him/Part 4 ~

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(Harley's POV)

(Joe had literally just left 5 minutes ago btw)

Z: Hey sis

H: Hey! Whats the matter?

Z: I was wondering if you could call the party off?

H: Oh, sure.

Z: Thanks

Why did Zoe want to call of the party? She loves parties. I quickly texted everyone telling the party was off before entering the house. When I walked in I could here crying from downstairs. I dropped my things before running downstairs; I walked into Caspar's room to see him crying.

"Omg, Caspar are you okay?" I asked. He looked up at me but then burst out crying again.
"I-I d-don't w-wanna ta-talk abou-about It.." He tried to say. "Okay. Don't worry." I said comfortably before sitting down next to him. I pulled him into me as I put my arm around his shoulder. (NOT IN A S*XUAL WAY)

Caspar had now stopped crying and was lying on the sofa, laptop in one hand; and pizza in the other. I smiled before sitting down on the armchair. I still had no idea what happened; or where Joe went, but that wasn't really bothering me right now. Well, I did care where Joe was but he wouldn't answer any of my calls, or reply to my messages, so I had no way of contacting him. I thought I would open Twitter and see what going on:

@Joe_Sugg: Have any of you found out your best friend likes your sister? I have.

Wait. Did Caspar like me? Is that why Joe left? Many thoughts whirled around my head.

@Harley_Sugg: I just found out something. It may of broke my heart💔

Many tweets came in, asking me what was happening. For all I know, this is what happened:

Caspar told Joe he loved me. Joe got angry/sad and left. Joe was going to confess his love to Caspar but Caspar confessed his love for me.

Wow. That's all I can say. I've got to get Jaspar together if it's the last thing I do.


IM SO SORRY ITS SHORT!! I had a stressful day at school, and then I come home and it gets worst. Anyway, I guess this has turned into a little series. Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway,

See ya!


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