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Prompt: Caspar talks about his school life with Joe.

Type: Funny? & Lyric Style


You've gotta help me
Im losing my mind

I remember how we both met in Spanish. We were having a Spanish test and I had completed forgotten about it, but Joe let me copy of me and since then, we've been good friends.

Keep getting the feeling
You wanna leave this all behind

I guess I was quite popular in school, well, I had a girlfriend, great friends and good grades, but one thing that was missing from my life was a best friend, so Joe filled that space straight away.

Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Are we

I didn't even know Joe was in any of my classes until I was told to work with him in English, Maths, Drama, Science and Music because he didn't have a partner. Joe was only good at Spanish, so that's why I was partnered with him in most classes.

No they don't teach ya
This in school

Me and Joe hanged out a lot more in and out of lessons. I found out that his sister was called Zoe, who was one of my good friends. Also, Alfie and Zoe had started dating, and they were the power couple. Nobody could break them apart.

Now my hearts breaking and
I and don't know what to do

Me and my girlfriend broke up as she was moving to America with her family, i still kept in touch with her, but we didn't talk very much.

Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Are we

We were going to stay best friends forever, I knew it. We had the best friend relationship in the entire school.

You and me
Got a whole lot of history

I had met Joe in Primary School, but we only talked briefly, as he had to go inside to help a teacher. I really wanted to be Joe's friend back then, but because he was so busy, I just made new friends.

We could be the greatest team
That the world has ever seen

Secondary School rolled up quite quickly, but 'cause I forgot about Joe, I had make lots of friends and become very popular. I've always been that popular kid.

You and me
Got a whole lot of history

Me and Joe eventually started dating, everyone in school was so supportive - as were the teachers - so we become the most populist in the school, and we always be one the schools power couples, as well as Zalfie.

So don't let it go
We can make some more

I don't know what happened, but my old bully, someone named Tom, decided to come to my school. When he found out who I was dating a guy, he started to beat me and told me i had to break up with him.

We can live

I did not want to break up with Joe, but with how many bruises I had in my body, I had no choice but to do so.

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