~ Zalfie Wedding/Part 1 ~

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Here we go, Zalfie Wedding!! I really want Zalfie to get married!!!! But, i want Jaspar to get married to... ;).

(Joe's POV)

I can't believe my sister is getting married in a few days!! I'm really happy for her. She's been there for me when i've been sad, lonely, depressed, when i had feelings for Caspar she told me to tell him. Without Zoe me and Caspar wouldn't be together! I personally think Zoe is the master at relationships as shes made 3 ships come true. Jaspar, Troyler and Phan. I'm also very happy thats she getting married to one of my best mates. Its someone i actually know, instead of it being someone I've know for a week. 

"JoJo are you ready to go?!" I hear Caspar call from downstairs. Me and Caspar have been dating for just over a year now. I love him to pieces. Even though he is one of the most stupidest and clumsiest people in the world, I still love him. "Yeah, one sec Casp!" I shout back before grabbing my suitcase. The wedding is in a few days so me and Caspar are going over to help. Zoe also invited Tanya and Jim as both of them have got married already.

(OMG! If you haven't see any pics of them at the wedding you need to see, there are so perfect for each other!!!!)

Tanya said she's going to help Zoe pick a dress, Jim said he's going to help Alfie pick a suit, which leaves me and Caspar to find a cake. We've definitely got the worst job. "Do you actually know any wedding cake shops?" Caspar asks as we walk down the streets. I haven't been to Brighton in a while but I do know one very good Wedding Cake store. (Just to be clear, I have never went to Brighton so I have no idea if there is a cake shop, but I don't care, just for the story there is!)

"I know one store." I reply as we cross the street. We walk up and down streets 'till we finally arrive at the cake shop. "Hello there. How may I help you?" The woman at the desk asks. "Hi, we're looking for a wedding cake." She smiles. "Who is this wedding cake for?" She asks. "For my sister and her boyfriend." Her smile fades but she writes it down. Wait? Was she thinking about us two? I mean, I would love to get married to Caspar but I'm way to shy to propose to him. He probably won't ever propose... "What type of cake are you looking for?" The woman asks as she lifts her head to look at us. "Uhh chocolate flavour!" Caspar interrupts. "Chocolate flavour? I'm not sure about that Casp." I say. Caspar's smile fades making him look really sad. I quickly grab his hand making him smile. "Yeah a chocolate flavour one." I repeat. Caspar's smiles grows even bigger. I stand on my very tiptoes and kiss his cheek, making him blush.

(Btw I've never went to a wedding cake shop so I'm making this up)

"Okay then! I'll see what I've got." The woman says as she stands up from her chair and walks over to a door. "I can't believe you agreed with me. I thought you would pick like vanilla flavour or something." Caspar says as he jumps around. Sometimes it feels like I'm looking after a 5 year old. He's so childish but I love it. "I'm sure chocolate with taste much nicer." I say as Caspar stops jumping. He grabs my arm pulling me into a hug. I hug him back before we sit down on the chairs next to us.

The woman comes back after with loads of picture we decide on (Media). Turns out they also added treats with it, so we decided on (Media). They would deliver them on the wedding day so we went home. When we got home the others weren't back yet so we decided to lay on the sofa and cuddle. We have had a tiring day.

(Zoe's POV)

We were now on the car ride home. Me and Tanya had, had (LOL DOUBLE HAD) a successful dress shopping trip. We weren't sure about Alfie or Jim or Jaspar but we would ask them when we got home. After a 20 minute taxi ride we finally got home. We entered our apartment to find it was completely silent. Alfie texted me saying he left earlier as he had finished his shopping. I turned to my right to see Alfie and Jim sat at the table. "Where's Joe and Caspar?" I asked. They put there finger on there lips and pointed. There, laying together on the sofa were Joe and Caspar. There legs were intertwined, there faces were inches away from each other. Caspar hands were around Joe's hips whereas Joe's hands were around Caspar's neck. I heard a very faint 'aww' come from Tanya. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and snapped a picture, before, placing my bags down silently. "Let's go upstairs so we can talk." Jim whispered. We all nodded as we headed upstairs.


I can just imagine them cuddled up on Zalfie's sofa now! It would be so cute!! <3

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