Chapter two /

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Waking up the morning after having a breakdown the night before was never fun. I had a terrible headache and my anxiety was still lingering in the air. Maybe if Brendon wouldn't press his huge forehead against mine, his dark hair tickling my face and his lips just inches away from my own every single show, then just maybe I'd be somewhat okay. But at the same time, I wanted him that close. I wanted to gaze into his precious chocolate brown eyes and feel his burning touch against my neck. I wanted that, no, I needed that.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door to my room. I already knew it was Spencer. I heard his muffled voice on the other side of the door, saying something about "leaving in a few" and that we were "eating breakfast on the bus". I shouted something in style with, "Be out in a bit!", sounding as postive and alert that I could manage. I didn't want him to know that I'd been sleeping this long. It was already 10:45 am.

I forced myself out of the bed, running a hand through my messy hair as I made my way to the bathroom. The light was still on from last night. I turned the faucet on, splashed some water over my face and then grabbed a towel to wipe it off. I looked at myself in the mirror as I patted the towel against my skin. Dark bags were very visible under my tired blue eyes and I in general, looked pretty whacked.

Packing my suitcase wasn't really necessary since I hadn't gotten the chance to pack up, so I just quickly made the bed, slipped on a tee shirt and a pair of jeans before grabbing my suitcase and exiting my room.

Brendon's room were just a few doors away. I had the biggest urge to just go over there and knock on the door. See his pretty face. Hear his voice. But since Spencer probably already woke him up, he'd might think I was acting weird, since I usually never did that. And maybe he was already down together with Spence. I decided on leaving it alone and just entered the elevator.

Coming down to the lobby, I saw Spencer leaning against his suitcase and half-sleeping. Poor guy, must've had a rough night. Brendon wasn't here yet though. As I came closer, I tapped Spencer's shoulder and his head nodded a bit before he looked up.

"Morning, sleepy head." I told him in a jokingful tone and he gave me a sloppy smile. "Rough night?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I'm never letting Brendon drag me out for a party, ever again." He groaned and it made me grin. I wonder how Brendon was to party with. How he danced, how he looked like when he was drunk...

"Why didn't you come with us?" Spencer's voice interrupted my thoughts.

I met his look and pulled my shoulders up into a small shrug. "I was tired. And the way you describe it, I don't think I would've wanted to come." Lie.

The drummer chuckled and nodded at that. "Yeah, you're right." He said before his head dropped to lean against his hand again.

The elevator made its little 'dingdong' sound, signalising it was in the lobby and I immediatly turned my attention to it. The doors opened and of course, the most flawless human being you could find stepped out.

Brendon saw us and shot me a smile, his teeth shining in the light. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach turned into a nervous knot, like it always did when he smiled like that at me. My lips automatically curved up into a smile that reached my eyes.

He was wearing just a simple white sleeved shirt along with his tight black pants that hugged his features perfectly. His hair was messy, but it looked good on him. I didn't pull off a messy look as good as he did. And even though he had been partying last night, he didn't have any dark circles around his eyes. How could someone look so good, even just after waking up?  It made me feel kind of ashamed, looking the way I did in front of him. Like it'd affect him in a negative way.

"Good morning guys." He said in his hoarse morning voice that I loved, and Spencer let out a groan.

"It's morning, but it isn't good." The drummer told him and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Aw, looks like someone's hungover from last night." Brendon smirked and wrapped his arms around Spencer in a way that almost made me jealous. Or wait, it actually made me really jealous. Spencer pushed the singer off of him and groaned again.

Brendon laughed and patted his back, before he turned to me. "Why didn't you come with us? I missed you there, man." He told me and I almost let out a gasp. Missed me? Brendon Urie missed me?

I couldn't hold back the big grin that was forming on my lips. "Well, y'know I'm not much of a party boy. And Spencer told me about his experience, so I think I'll pass." Another lie.

Brendon chuckled. "Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad, Spence." He said and turned to look at the hungover boy, but just got a glare in return.

Brendon held back a laugh and turned back to me. "I could show you some of my dance moves." He said and winked at me as he started moving his hips, his body soon following the movement which made me weak to the knees. He wasn't a professional dancer, but dang, he could move those hips.

I leaned on my suitcase, scared I'd fall otherwise. I'm pretty sure if this boy ever asked me to kill a man I wouldn't even hesitate. He had me in his claws, under his control.

It was like he had cast a spell over me, that day in October when we first met. And I knew, no matter what happened, that spell would never be broken.

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