Chapter five /

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After I'd been checked multiple times by paramedics and Brendon constantly wondering if I really was okay, I was back on the stage with the bass in my hand. During the show, Brendon didn't move too far away from me and always made sure that I had water to drink.

I felt like a little kid again, that had fallen and scraped up my knee and had a parent who was watching me the whole time, making sure I wouldn't fall again. Brendon was the parent in this scenario.

The show felt like it was going on forever, but I made it through and now we were seated in the dressing room, me, Brendon, Ian and Spencer. I was leaned back against the wall with a wet towel on my forehead since I had  started feeling dizzy again and Brendon insisted on getting it for me.

My bandmates were discussing something in the room that I wasn't really paying attention to, but after a while I felt something warm against my leg. I looked up and saw Brendon sitting next to me, his thigh pressed against mine.

"Hi." I told him and he smiled.

"Hey there. How you doin'?" He asked me and I removed the towel from my head and placed it next to me.

"Better." I said with a smile. "Where did the guys go? I didn't hear them leave." I said, since the room was pretty empty by now, just me and Brendon left. I must've zoned out completely for a moment.

"They went to start packing up on stage. I told them I was coming in a bit. I wanted to check on you first." He told me and shot me a smile.

"I'll go with you. I don't want to give you all the work." I grinned and it reflected on Brendon.

We sat there and talked for a few minutes about the upcoming shows and it was nice. Just have a chat about something for once. Me and Brendon didn't talk as much, but now we did and even if it was about shows and the band, we were talking.

I changed into a pair of jeans and a plain tee, since I was very uncomfortable in my tight clothing by now. I was quick, since I hated changing in front of Brendon. He was perfect in every way, his body, his face, his smile, his laugh, his personality, everything. And well, I wasn't. I had some good features, but most flaws. Sometimes I wish I was like Brendon, just to know what it felt like. Feeling so flawless everyday.

After we had changed our clothes, we grabbed our things and left the dressing room and headed for the stage. Arriving there, the boys had already gotten their stuff and left, so we just started packing up our stuff. All the work wasn't done, but I was kind of glad, because it gave me more time with Brendon.

As I was plugging out the bass and putting it in its case, Brendon knocked me on my shoulder and I turned around. He had his bags and was ready to leave. He looked up at me, giving me a small smile and during those three seconds, I thought he was going to kiss me, but of course I was wrong.

"Are you ready to go, champ?" He asked me and I forced a smile.

"Is that my new nickname? Champ?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"I guess so. Champ." He teased and I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"Let's go, shall we?" I said as I grabbed my things and he nodded.

We exited the venue and the bus was parked right outside, so we left our things there. Brendon then suggested that we all should go out for a drink and I hesitated for a moment. First of all, I wasn't that good at socialize and I could be super awkward. Second of all, I didn't know if I was allowed to drink after passing out like that.

But Brendon assured me of that he'd take care of me, no matter what and had grabbed my hand. It was hard to say no to that.

We ended up at a small bar, located in some kind of basement. I'd never seen a place like this before, but it was cool.
We sat at a table, all of us sipping beers and laughing about things. Brendon sat next to me, looking over at me every now and then and making sure I always was a part of the conversation.

Three bottles of beer and a few hours later, it had passed midnight.

"As much as I'd like to stay, I don't want to get wasted again." Spencer began and threw a playful glare over at Brendon, before he got up from his seat. "So goodnight, gentlemen. I'm heading to the hotel."

"Hotel?" I questioned and Ian answered me.

"Zack got each of us hotel rooms for these two nights we're staying here so we wouldn't have to sleep on the bus. Thank god for that." Ian chuckled along with the rest of us at that. "But I'm going with Spencer, I'm getting tired."

Me and Brendon said goodbye to the boys and I was about to get up as well, but the not-so-sober singer grabbed my wrist.

"Stay." He said and looked up at me with a smile.

"I'm not sure. I don't really want a hangover tomorrow." I said with a playful tone in my voice. I'd already been affected by the booze and didn't need more.

Brendon giggled. "No, I just want some company. Please, stay." He said and pulled at my wrist. I obeyed and sat back down. He didn't let go of my wrist.

"Thank you." I told him after a moment of silence and he looked at me, confused at first.

"For taking care of me." I continued. I love you, I wanted to say and honestly it wouldn't be too weird if I did. I could just lie and say it was the alcohol, but I shut up instead.

Brendon smiled. "Of course. I got really worried, you know." He told me and rubbed his thumb over my wrist. I had to concentrate on keeping my breath steady and calm. Just his touch drove me insane.

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore. I'm okay." I said after a while and he just nodded.

A slow song started playing in the speakers and Brendon pulled away to get up from his seat. He then turned back to me and grabbed my hands.

"Dance with me." He told me and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're drunk." I said.

"I'm drunk, but I'm still aware of what I'm doing. Dance. With. Me."

I obeyed once again and let him pull me up from my seat and over to the small dance floor. I felt like I was on cloud nine when he wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me close.
I didn't really know what to do, I was pretty frozen in place. All I could do was look at him, then down at my feet and back at his face.

Brendon smiled and helped me. He grabbed my hands and placed them around his own waist, before he placed his strong, safe arms around my neck again.
My mouth was probably pursed into a big 'o' when he started swaying with me to the beat of the music and I just tried my best to follow his movements.

I'd never had any trouble with slow dancing, but with Brendon, it was like I couldn't move. Brendon didn't seem to notice how much I was shaking right now. Which was good. His eyes gazed into mine and I was so mesmerized by this moment.

Everything was perfect.

The Drug I Can't Give Up // A Brallon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now