Chapter six /

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** A/N; hey my beautiful readers! this chapter is gonna be a lot longer, more crazy and wild than the previous chapters and let me tell you, I loved writing this and I hope you'll love it too. xx **


I found myself stumbling down the sidewalk, my arm around Brendon's shoulders and a beer in my other hand. His arm was wrapped around my waist and he also had a beer in his other hand.

After our dance at the bar, we had a few more drinks before Brendon thought it was time to go. He grabbed our two beers and then we were on our way to the hotel. We didn't really know where it was located, all we had was an address.

And to be honest, two drunk guys trying to find a hotel in a town they've never been to? Well. I didn't know how that was gonna work out.

We stumbled around, laughing and drinking, looking into each others eyes and Brendon was mumbling things that I could barely hear in my ear. I felt like I was walking on clouds.

Thank god for alcohol. Without it, I'd only be the quiet, shy bassist who has a crush on his band member.

I looked down at the boy who now was leaning his head against my shoulder and talking about the stars, planets and the space in general. He was adorable. He giggled every now and then, looked up at me and got a nod in return and continued.

I barely heard what he said, but he didn't seem to mind or maybe he didn't noticed. I just enjoyed looking at him and hearing him talk so passionately about something I didn't even know he cared about. He looked so peaceful and even more beautiful.

I turned his head upwards so he was facing me, with my finger on his chin. He stopped talking and his eyes gazed into mine. His lips curved up into a smile and he looked at my lips who did the same. My face didn't flush this time and I was calm for once. But I knew if this ever happened while being sober, I would completely lose it.

"May I kiss you?" The singer quietly slurred out and I nodded just a bit too fast.

His hands cupped my face and pulled it closer to his own and when his cold lips touched mine I wrapped my other arm around him too. His lips tasted like alcohol, but I didn't mind. Our kiss was soft and slow and when we finally pulled away, I looked down with a smile on my face. He tilted my face back up and smiled at me.

"You're a good kisser," I said and he let out a giggle.

"You too. And you taste good."

We finally arrived at the hotel and stumbled into the reception. Brendon got our keys while I waited for the elevator to come down. The hotel was big with many floors, and our rooms were located almost at the top.

Someone kissed the side of my head from behind and I turned around and saw Brendon dangling with the keys in front of my face. I smiled and grabbed him by his hip, bringing him closer to me. He smelled like alcohol and perfume.
The elevator arrived and he pushed me inside with a smirk covering his lips. I pressed the button and the doors closed.

Brendon pushed me up against the wall and started kissing my lips again, more passionate this time. My hands grabbed his hips and pulled him closer as I deepened the kiss. Fuck, he was hot.

I pressed him against the wall, kissing down his jaw and continuing down his neck while Brendon tugged at my shirt with his hands.

"Someone's excited." I hissed into his ear and nibbled on his earlobe, earning a moan from him.

His hands travelled up to my hair, gently tugging at it as I continued to kiss his neck. He tilted his head to the side, exposing more skin which I took advantage of.

The elevator stopped with a twitch and I forced myself to pull away as the doors opened.

We smiled at each other before he grabbed my hand and we got out from the elevator and continued down the hallway to find our rooms.

The both of us stopped when we reached our doors and Brendon looked over at me with a little smirk.

"Could you get the keys? They're in my pocket and my hands are full." He said in a seductive voice and I smirked, slowly walking up behind him.

My hand slipped down his hip, down his side and down in his pocket. I dug around longer then necessary, and slowly pulled out when I couldn't find them. I left my hand on his hip as I slid my other hand into his other pocket and slowly pulled out the keys. I heard Brendon gasp under his breath and I enjoyed it a lot.
I pressed my body against his, kissing down his neck and nibbling on his ear, before I teasingly pulled away.

"Here's your key." I whispered and handed it to him. "Goodnight then." I told him before walking back to my door with the key in my hand.

"Uh uh." I heard Brendon say behind me and before I knew it, he had pulled me into his arms again. "You have to finish what you started, pretty boy."

Our lips crashed together again and he pressed me against his door. As we kissed, he fumbled with his key for a while but managed to unlock his door. He pushed me inside and closed the door with his foot.

I started unbuttoning his shirt as we walked backwards, further into the room. I slid his shirt off of his shoulders and it landed somewhere on the floor. His tongue slid into my mouth and mine into his, both of them fighting for dominance.

I felt my back hit the wall and Brendon tugged the shirt off of my torso, tossing it away. We entered the bedroom, which had a beautiful view over the city, but all I could see was Brendon.

He pushed me down onto the bed and hovered over me as he kissed down my neck, my collarbones and my chest. I fumbled with his belt and he helped me get it off as he kissed down my stomach and twirling his tongue around my belly button.

I moaned and felt him get on top of me and our lips soon met again. I yanked off his pants and they ended up on the floor as well.

He tugged at my bottom lip and reached down with his hand and started rubbing my very hard member through my jeans.

"Brendon...!" I moaned out again and he smiled.

"Yes, my love?" He teased as he continued.

".. Fuck me, goddamn it!" I moaned and he smirked.

"As you wish."

He pulled off my jeans and kissed my inner thigh, making me groan in pleasure. He was such a tease and I'd never been more aroused, but right now I just wanted him inside of me.

I grabbed him by his hair and pulled his head up to mine, kissing his lips passionately as I got out of my boxers. He quickly did the same and pressed a kiss to my lips again, this time a more soft and careful kiss. I smiled through the kiss and then he got off of me.

I watched him, thinking he didn't want to at first, but then saw how he picked out a condom of his suitcase. He grinned and pulled it on his hard member, before crawling back on top of me.

"Brendon.." I whispered and he looked down at me. "I've never done this before."

Brendon smiled. "I'll be gentle." He assured me and I smiled, wrapping my long legs around his waist.

He pressed his lips to mine as he entered me. It hurt at first, but just a second later all I could feel was pleasure, pleasure and even more pleasure. I grabbed his shoulders, throwing my head back. He noticed I was enjoying it, and thrusted a bit harder, a bit faster.

I bit my lip, holding back a moan, but I knew I couldn't hold it back much longer. Brendon grabbed my hip, thrusting into me more, pleasure streaming through my whole body. God, he was good at this and I never wanted him to stop. I pressed my lips against his, moaning into his mouth.

I didn't want this night to end, but everything must come to an end. Right?

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