Chapter three /

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The breakfast that we ate on the bus was probably the bumpiest one I've ever had in my life. Apparently, we were "behind schedule" and had to take off the second we stepped on. I managed to eat at least a sandwich and drink a glass of juice, even though most of the drink ended up in my lap.

After that, I escaped to my bunk. Pulling the curtain closed, I laid my head down to the pillow, exhaling slowly. I was extremely tired, I noticed that once I closed my eyes. But it wasn't really odd either, with the stress Brendon caused me earlier and my lack of sleep during the night.

I smiled a bit though, at the memory of what Brendon told me earlier. He missed me. He was out partying, drinking and in between all of that, he thought of me and missed me.

As I felt myself drift off to unconsciousness, the voices that belonged to Spencer and Brendon could be heard somewhere on the bus, laughing about something that I couldn't hear, but their voices faded out more and more and I was soon fast asleep on the bumpy bus.

I was standing on a stage, looking out over an invisible crowd. I was playing the bass, but no sound would come out. Someone touched my arm, making me turn around. A shadow was standing in front of me and I couldn't make out the face of the person, but still, I just knew who it was. Brendon.
Two loving chocolate brown eyes stared at me and a pair of pale pink lips was pressed against my own.

Instead of passing out of happiness, I did something that surprised myself. I wrapped my arms around the boy, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. He seemed very pleased by it, since a big smile formed on his lips.

I drew a line over his bottom lip with my tongue, asking for entrance and earning a moan from him in return. My tongue slipped into his mouth and I'd never felt so alive before. It was slow and sensual, he tasted sweet and I loved it. My heart was beating fast and the blood rushed through my veins. Brendon seemed to enjoy it too.

I pushed him backwards and we somehow ended up on a couch. Brendon fumbled with my belt and I leaned my head down, kissing down his jaw, continuing to his neck.

"Dallon..." Brendon moaned out and I felt him tugging and pulling at my shirt.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my oh so wonderful dream, feeling two hands on my shoulders, gently shaking me. My eyes opened up and to my surprise, I saw Brendon sitting at the edge of my bunk. A smirk was plastered on his lips and I was caught off guard. What was he doing here?

"I've never heard you moan in your sleep, but damn. That was hot." I couldn't believe those words were spoken by Brendon himself and I felt my face flush.

"How long have you been sitting here?" I quietly asked him as I rubbed my eyes.

"Long enough." Brendon chuckled and I wish I could sink through the ground.
Oh my god.

He finally moved his hands away from my shoulders and I let out a breath that I wasn't aware of that I was holding. I slowly sat up from the bed, bringing me closer to Brendon.

"What are you doing here, anyways?" I asked the singer and he shrugged.

"Well, I was going to tell you that we were heading for dinner- before I heard you moan." He winked at me before continuing. "It's almost 5 pm, and the show starts at 8:30. Anyways, what were you dreaming about?" He said and a smug grin creeped across his very kissable lips.

I shook my head, my face probably redder than ever. "None of your business."

"Oh, come on, Dal!" Brendon exclaimed and leaned closer. "I can keep a secret."

It almost scared me how close he was to me at this moment. In my dream, I was collected and calm, but here in real life, my whole body was shaking. If I just leaned a bit closer, a bit further, our lips would meet...
I immediately pushed that thought away.

"Sorry, Brendon. I'm hungry and we wouldn't want to miss the show, right?" I told him in a soft tone, and he finally gave up. He stood up and reached out his hand for me.

"Yeah, you're right. Come on, pretty boy." He told me and shot me a smile.

The Drug I Can't Give Up // A Brallon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now