Chapter seventeen /

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After mine and Brendon's little musical performance in the car, we'd laughed and turned the volume down as the music proceeded to play in the background. I tapped my fingers against my knee and looked out the window.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked him and he looked over at me with a smile.

"Well.. I can't say. It's a surprise." He grinned.

"So from what I know you could take me somewhere and murder me." I said which cracked him up.

"Trust me, I'd never be able to murder someone. Especially not you, damn."

I giggled. "Well, that's pleasing at least."

Brendon smiled. "You'll just have to wait and see what we're gonna do." He winked at me, causing me to blush.

He drove the car through the crowded parts of the city, and after about fifteen minutes, we arrived at a big restaurant in the calmer part of the town. We both stepped out of the car and I walked over to Brendon.

He looked up at me and hooked his arm into mine, before he lead me inside of the restaurant. Inside, there was a lot of tables and a lot of guests. It smelled fantastic in there of cooked meat, pasta, pizza, burgers. Anything you could imagine.

"Table for two, Urie," Brendon told the waiter who looked at his list, before nodding a bit and leading us to a small table for two in a private part of the restaurant. The private part was in a whole other room, and I think it was made for birthday parties and stuff like that. We thanked the waiter who left menus at our table before walking off.

Brendon pulled out one of the chairs for me and I rose an eyebrow at him. "You're not gonna pull that back when I sit down, right?" I asked him jokingly and he smirked.

"I don't know, you'll just have to take a chance."

"I've taken too many chances when it comes to you," I mumbled as I walked over to sit down. Once I was seated, he pushed my chair in and walked around the table to sit on the opposite side of me.

I opened up the menu and stared down into it. I'd never been to a proper date and now when I finally was to one, I had no idea what to do.

I scanned across the different types of pastas and meats, but was drawn to the pasta. I hadn't had that in forever.

"What are you going for?" Brendon asked and I looked up. I met his gaze and bit my lip, before glancing at the menu again.

"Uh- chicken pasta, I think. What about you?" I said and he looked down at the menu.

"I'm thinking the tacos, it seems really good." He told me and I nodded.

We sat under silence, the both of us staring at our menus, until the waiter came back, ready to take our orders.
We ordered wine for the both of us, chicken pasta for me and tacos for Brendon. The waiter wrote everything down and left us.

"How long do you think it'll take for the food?" I asked.

"I don't know. Looking at the amount of people that's here tonight, maybe twenty minutes." He shrugged.

I nodded and took a look around the room. It looked like a mansion and it was very beautiful.

"How'd you find this place? It's so nice." I said and he smiled.

"I celebrated my 16th birthday here. It's been around for as long as I can remember, and I wanted to take you here." He announced and I smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you did. I'm sure the food's nice, too." I said and giggled a little, thinking it wasn't that audible.

Brendon's eyes widened as he apparently heard my giggle and a smile spread across his lips. "How have I never heard you giggle?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't really like my laugh. Or my voice, in general." I confessed and looked down.

"Hey." Brendon leaned over the table and tilted my chin up. I looked at him, biting down my lip. "I like your laugh, and your voice. I think it's adorable and you should talk more, sing more, laugh more." He smiled a little. "And don't bite your lip. It turns me on." He said and I giggled again.

"Sorry." I mumbled and Brendon smiled.

The door suddenly opened and the waiter walked inside, food in his hands. I smelled the pasta all the way to my seat, and let me tell you, it smelled fantastic. The waiter placed a bottle of wine in front of us along with the food and I wanted to stab my fork down and eat immediately, but I managed to keep my calm. He finished off with pouring up the red wine in our glasses, before placing the bottle back down on the table.

"Have a nice meal." He told us and we thanked him. He shot us a smile and exited the room.

"God, I'm starving." I moaned once the doors shut closed and stuffed my mouth full with pasta and chicken. Brendon laughed and started eating as well.

"Mmm, this shit is fantastic!" He exclaimed after a minute, food almost pouring out of his mouth and I laughed back at him.

"Classy, Brendon. Classy." I said with sarcasm in my tone and he chuckled.

"Oh come on, I'm Prince Charming." He told me and winked at me, and didn't fail to make me blush. Goddamn it.

We talked as we ate and drank, getting to know each other on a much deeper level than we had before. Everything came so easy with Brendon, when he finally got me to speak. But right now, it was mostly him speaking. I didn't mind though.

He told me more about his family, his brothers and his sisters and how he always had hated being the youngest kid in the family. He told me about his father's different marriages, how it always was a mess moving around. Stories I'd never heard before.

It may have seem boring listening to someone talking about themselves all night, but it definitely wasn't. At least not when it was someone you loved and wanted to know more about.

"Hey Dallon?" Brendon suddenly said as I drank the last sip of wine from my glass.

"Mhm?" I hummed, placing the glass back down onto the table.

He took a breath, facing his hands before he spoke. "Why have you been cutting?" He asked it quietly, unsure and a bit nervous. Usually it would've been stressful and I would've panicked when getting that question, but now it was fine, really. It felt weird in a way, having Brendon ask me that, but I wanted to tell him.

I pulled my shoulders up into a shrug, "I don't know." I breathed and picked at some leftovers with my fork. "It's just something that makes me feel better for the moment, when I feel sad. It's.. hard to put words on the way I feel, but.." My voice trembled, and I took a shaky breath.

Brendon reached over the table and placed his hand onto mine. "It's okay, Dallon. Take your time. You don't need to tell me everything right now." He carefully told me and I nodded, before intertwining our fingers and looking up at him.

He looked at our hands and smiled, which made me smile. He was being so understanding and he made me feel so safe telling him how I felt. I wasn't nervous anymore, and I was feeling relieved. And glad.

"You make me so happy, Brendon Urie." The words slipped out of my mouth, and he pressed a kiss against my hand.

"And you make me feeling like the luckiest man on earth, Dallon Weekes."


A/N: this suckss and is too sappy I'm sorry

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