Epilouge /

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* A year later *

I felt Brendon's brown curls tickle my neck as I slowly started to come back to consciousness. A smile immediately formed on my lips and I ran my fingers into his hair, grasping it with my hand.

It had been a year. A year since Spencer's engagement, a year since me and Brendon started dating. A year and two months since I last left a cut on my arm. My gaze turned to the faded scars on my wrist.

When Brendon had asked me to be his boyfriend, it didn't take long before I finally told him about my self-harm, my anxiety and my depression. Even though I knew he was one of the greatest and most accepting people in the world, I was still so nervous that I was shaking when sitting in front of him.

But Brendon had just taken me into his arms, told me to take my time and to relax. Deep breaths in and out. He helped me through it, and it made it easier to tell him.

Ever since then, I hadn't even glanced at the razor blades when taking a shower. The bad thoughts were gone. My self esteem slowly, slowly boosted and I was smiling for real. Something I hadn't done in years.

Brendon was my home, my safe place, my heartbeat. He was my everything, and I knew that if things had ended bad between the two of us, I wouldn't have been feeling the way I do today.

It took a week before we told our friends. Spencer, was overjoyed when he heard the news. He had hugged the both of us for at least five minutes straight before finally letting go. Zack and Ian, both were pretty shocked at first, but very accepting and were excited for us. It made me happy to know we had their support.

It took a month before we told the fans. We didn't really know how to express ourselves, or how to tell them. My idea was to do it on Twitter, but Brendon wanted it to be more special than that. I had giggled at that. We decided to make it official at the first show of our tour, which Zack live streamed on periscope.

I had brought my acoustic onto the stage, without Brendon knowing. I'd said, "there's a very special someone in my life, that I dedicate this song to. Without him, I wouldn't be here today", and then I started playing Love At First Sight.

It was one of the first songs I ever wrote, and I dedicated it to Brendon. He was in shock during the whole performance, and when I stopped playing, I saw the tears running down his cheeks. He had brought the microphone to his mouth and announced,

"I present to you, my boyfriend, Dallon Weekes" before coming up to me and pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

The crowd went wild, screaming and jumping up and down, some chanting "Brallon!" and some bringing their phones up to tweet.

It was probably the best way to start a tour.

It took another three months before we got the guts to tell our families. I had flown to Vegas with Brendon to meet his family and to be by his side when he told them the news.

At first, they were in shock, silent and neither of them saying anything. Then his father broke the silence by saying, "Welcome to the family, Dallon" with a hand on my shoulder. Around there I broke into tears, tears of happiness and relief. Brendon had embraced me in a hug, his eyes watery too.

Then, after spending three days with his family in Vegas, we flew out to Utah to meet my family. We weren't as nervous as we'd been when telling his family, because I knew at least my mother would be accepting about it. I just hoped my dad would be too.

The first thing I said when we sat at the table was, "Brendon is my boyfriend". My mom had stared up at the both of us, before getting up and embracing me  in a big hug, congratulating us and wishing us the best. I'd asked my dad if he still loved me, and he had started crying. He told me, "Of course I still love you Dallon. I'm happy for you. The both of you." And just as Brendon's dad, mine had welcomed my boyfriend into the family.

And now, a year later, I was laying in bed with the loveliest human being on earth, watching the sun rise go up while listening to his slow breaths as he slept against my chest.

About six months ago, I'd sold my house and moved into Brendon's house with him. I spent at least six nights of the week here anyways, so Brendon thought it would be better if I moved in, which I gladly thanked yes to.

I couldn't quite understand how I got so lucky- not only was I living together with my best friend, but he was also my boyfriend.

If someone had told me that this would happen the first time I auditioned for a role in Panic!, I would've laughed them straight up in the face and left. It was too good to be true.

Brendon's body jerked from side to side, before a little groan was released from his lips and he looked up at me with tired eyes. I smiled.

"Morning, sleepy head." I told him, and he smiled.

"Morning." He said, looking over his shoulder to try to get a glimpse of the clock on our nightstand. "What time is it?" He asked.

"7:20 am." I told him quietly, playing with a lock of his hair. He nodded his head and laid back to rest against me.

"How come you're always awake so much earlier than me?" He questioned and I shrugged.

"I'm used to getting up early- unlike others." I said, winking at him. He grinned.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"Laying in bed all day wouldn't hurt." I said, and he smiled.

"Netflix and Chill?" He smirked.

"Absolutely." I chuckled and pecked his lips, before squirming out of his grip and rolling over to the edge of the bed to pull on my sweats.

Together we got out of bed, dressed in each other's sweats, walked down to the kitchen and prepared some toasts that we could bring up to the bedroom.
After a thirty minutes of accidental make out sessions and trying to not burn the toasts, we were back in bed watching 'Hannibal' on the tv.

I had just finished my toast and on the tv, the FBI agent and the psychiatric were having a mild discussion about the agent's aftershave, when Brendon leaned his head back to look at me.

"Hey, Dal?" He asked me quietly, nervousness in his tone.

"Yeah?" I said, looking down at the boy and placing my arm around his shoulder.

"I love you. Like, a lot." He said, and I smiled.

"I love you too Brendon." I mumbled before pressing my lips against his. Brendon kissed me back, and as we pulled back, I saw him holding something in his hand.

"What d'you got there?" I asked him and nodding towards his clutched fist.

"I, uh..." He mumbled, sitting up slightly. "I've never done this before, and it's gonna be sloppy and stupid- but I just want you to say yes."

I didn't quite realize what he meant, before he showed me the small box and the ring placed in it.

"Will you marry me?" Brendon asked me, biting down his bottom lip.
I stared at the ring. It was an expensive one made in silver, with a beautiful pattern around the edges.

Tears formed in my eyes as I managed to choke out, "Of course I will."


the end.

The Drug I Can't Give Up // A Brallon FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now