Chapter 7

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Annabeth's POV.

Run and never come back. Those were my first instincts. My mom's glare hardened as she walked over to me. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't listen. On the other hand, Clarisse totally abandoned me. Such a great friend, isn't she is? Yeah I'll remember that Clarisse...I need to find new friends.

By the time my mom had made it over to me, I was shaking like a maniac. My mother's glare frightens me so much.

"You! How dare you do that?! After all that time from trying to protect you from smoking, you go ahead and repay me like that?! What has gotten into you?! What do you have to say for yourself, young lady!?" My mom yelled at me.

I tried to speak, but my mouth wouldn't corporate with me. What is up with my body today? Once she saw my scared face expression, her face softened. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Lately you have been acting something wrong?" She asked with her voice more calm then before. Okay, truth is...ever since my mom and dad had gotten back together, I feel like my mom doesn't want me anymore. It's like she just puts up with me because she has to. Now that she has more kids to care about it's like she is done with me. You can say that I wanted some attention from her. If I can't get the good kind, then I might as well get the bad attention.

I blushed and look at the ground.

"What's my punishment?" I asked. She sighed and took her hand off of me.

"I'll figure it out at the house. For now on, no going to your friends house, no T.V, no calling anyone other than your family, and you'll be doing everybody's chores for the rest of the month." She said. I glared at her.

"But you just said all the punishments right now." I said. She shook her head.

"What you did is not even worth those punishments." She said. I took a step back.

"I didn't even put it in my mouth!" I yelled.

"And if I wasn't here then you would have!" She yelled back.

"But I didn't, so why are you giving me such a hard time?!" I asked. I crossed my arms and looked straight in her eyes.

"A hard time doing what?!" She asked. Tears were threatened to come out of my eyes. I started to walk away. I didn't listen to her calls.

"A hard time being near you." I whispered once I was far away. I walked to my house slowly. I tried to savor the moments I will be outside because after today I won't be able to do anything, but going to school. Life is tough. I hate everything and everyone. I hate life. Okay...I know I sound depress and all, but I'm just mad, and I intend to say things I don't mean when I am mad.

Once I got home I tried to walked straight up to my room, but didn't even make it to the stairs. My mom was already there considering she drove her car.

"Annabeth I-." I interrupted her with my voice.

"Don't, just don't talk to me or look at me, just leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you." I said and raced up to my room. I jumped on my bed and hid under the covers. I closed my eyes and dreamed on.

I was awakened by somebody shaking my arm. I jolted up and faced with Joanna.

"Annabeth, are you awake?" She asked. I laughed.

"Now I am." I said. She smiled and laid on the bed next to me. I checked the time and it was 4:13 in the morning. Wow, I slept that long?

"I wanted to ask you a question." She said.

"And it couldn't wait until later on in the day?" I snapped. I immediately regretted talking to her like that.

"Never mind." She said. I quickly pulled her into my lap before she lefted.

"Sorry...I'm not a morning person. Go ahead and ask." I told her. She nodded and began to ask.

"Why were you and mommy fighting?" She asked. I pursed my lips.

"Well...there are some differences that we fight about, but you know...we can work it out. So don't worry about it." I told her. She nodded.

"Can I stay here?" She asked. I smiled and nodded.

"You sure can." I said. She laid next to me and closed her eyes. Soon she was fast asleep. I sighed and slept next to her.

Skip to Monday morning.

My alarm rang and I hit the snooze button. I felt like staying here in bed and watching T.V while eating ice cream. But unfortunately I have school. The worst part of the year. I would've woken up later, but I wanted to leave for school early so I didn't have to face my family.

I quickly got dressed putting on any shirt I found which was a purple plain shirt. I grabbed a pair of shorts and put my shoes on. I brushed my hair and put it into a pony tail.

I headed down stairs and went straight to the kitchen. To my surprise my dad was there. I actually never talked to him at all. He wasn't worth my time.

"Hey...Annabeth." He greeted. I nodded at him and began to walk away.

I grabbed my book bag and was about to walk out the door, when he called my name.

"Annabeth wait." My dad called.

"What do you want Fredrick?" I asked. He glared at me.

"I am your father and I need you to call me your dad because I am." He said. I laughed a little bit.

"You wish." I said and walked out the door.

When I stepped outside, I was not expecting to see Thalia, Piper, and Silena.

Here comes more drama.

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