1.) Honey and Peaches

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Riley's POV

Maya and I have been dating for a month now. Everything is going great. We see Lucas and Farkle everyday. So ya, its been a great summer so far. Tomorrow my parents decided to take Maya, Auggie, and I to a water park. It's five hours away so we'll be staying at a hotel. Maya and I are sitting in the living room watching movies. I am looking at her. Her eyes glued onto the Tv. I snuggle closer to her and rest my face in her neck.

"Riles, if you're cold, there is another blanket by you." Maya stated. I smack her arm lightly.

 "Maybe, I wouldn't be cold if my girlfriend would snuggle with me."

"Well she's a jerk." She joked. I take her arm and place it around me. She gives my forehead a kiss.

"I love you honey." She whispers in my ear.

 "I love you too, peaches." We finished the movie night and went into my room. Maya and I snuggled together in my bed.



 "Have you ever thought of having kids. I know maybe not with me, but you would, wouldn't you?"

"I think about it everyday Riles. I always imaged hearing their little feet smack on to the floor. Hear their excited squealing. Waking up on Christmas morning, watch them open their presents. I never thought that I would want kids. But with you I would love to have kids. I wouldn't want to have kids with anyone else." Maya replied. I had tears running down my face. Maya wiped them away.

"What about you Riles? I know you have always wanted kids." Maya asked.

"I always dreamed about having my own kids some day. Being a mother, and having so much fun with them. I just hoped that I would be a great mom, and give my kids a great childhood."

"I'm sure you'll be a great mother one day. You already take care of me, I couldn't be any different then a child." Maya said.

"You're my baby aren't you?"

"Yes I am. Let's sleep, we have to leave for the water park tomorrow." Maya suggested.

 "Good night Maya, I love you."

 "Love you too Riles." Maya yawned.

Hey guys, my new story is here. I have internet for the weekend so I'll put up some chapters. I hope you like this first chapter. This story will get good. If I get a good amount of comments and votes, on the next chapter in the authors note I will give you small spoilers for the next chapter. Thank you all that read my story, it means a lot. Please vote and comment!!!


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