Chapter 4

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Me and Alex have hung out everyday since our date. Were not dating. We decided that we would never see each other with school and living in different states is difficult. So we're more like best friends.

 I got a call yesterday from my parents saying that my dad got a promotion to Miami so now were moving here. Right next to Megan's house.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow." I whined.

"Yeah, but we'll text and skype. Plus I'll be in Miami again." Alex tried and cheered me up. "Good."

"I'm glad I met you Alex. You're the best guy friend I have." He smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad I met you too. These were the best 2 weeks ever." 

"I'm glad I'm moving here. Maybe I can get to know Austin more." .

"Yeah, he wants to meet you. Everyday he asks about you." I gave him a look. 

"Really? He asks about me?" He nodded his head. "What does he say?" "He thinks you're really pretty, and you seem like a really cool girl. Which I agreed to that." I side bumped him. 

"Who's taking you to the airport?" "Austin and Dave. Do you want to come?" I nodded my head.

"If it's not a problem." "It's definitely not."


I walked up to Austin's condo building and got in the elevator. I found their condo number and knocked on the door. 

The door unlocked and Dave from the plane opened it.

"Sam! Long time no see!" I laughed and gave him a hug.

"Hey Dave. Told you I'll see you again." He laughed and motioned his arm to let me in.

"You guys know each other?"

"Yeah, we met at the Airport in Pennsylvania, and we sat next to each other on the plane."

"Small world."

"Yeah." I gave everyone a hug and Alex introduced me to Mama Mahone.

"Hi Sam." I turned around and Austin was standing there smiling.

"Hey Austin." I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Did you hear I was moving to Miami?"

"No. But that's awesome!"

"Yeah. We can hang out a lot."

"Sounds great." Then I heard a noise come out of Roberts mouth and I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him in the arm.

I came really close to everyone these past two weeks. We act like we've known each other for years.

"Wheres Tyler?" Robert asked.

"Oh he's walking Megan back. She couldn't come because she has lifeguard duty. So they wanted to say their good byes." I explained.

Tyler and Megan have a summer fling going on, but I don't know if they're officially dating, but it seems like it. 

About 20 minutes later Tyler came back and finished packing. Then we all got into the van and drove to the airport.

We all got out of the car to give our final hugs. I hugged Zach, Tyler, Robert then Alex. Our hug was really long. I felt like I was going to cry, but I would see him again. I don't know when but I will.

"I'll text you when I land."

"Okay." I gave him a final hug.

Me, Austin, and Dave watched them walk into their terminal, then we got into the car and drove off. "Want to hang out?" Austin asked. "Yeah, sure!"


"So how did you start your music career?"

"Me and Alex started making videos on YouTube, but then I started my own channel, just singing other peoples songs." I nodded my head.

"That's awesome. I'll have to check them out." 

"Yeah. I was lucky." "It's not luck, it's talent." He gave me a smile, which was perfect by the way. 

Yes, I'm starting to get a crush on Austin. We have been sitting on the beach for 2 hours just talking. 

"We should probably get going. I don't want Megan worrying about you." "I guess, but thanks, I had a really fun time." I gave him a hug and we started walking down the beach to the house

. "Do you want to hang out again sometime?" I nodded my head. "How about on Saturday. There's an amusement park we can go to."

"I love rollercoasters!"

"Me too." 

We arrived at the house and we stood there for a minute.

"I'll see you Saturday." I nodded, gave him a hug then he kissed my cheek.

"Night Austin. I'll text you tomorrow."

"Alright. Night Sam." I walked into the house and leaned my back onto the door. 

He's perfect.

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