Chapter 33

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The past year has been wonderful. We got married, had a wonderful honeymoon in Italy, and Megan got married to.

Right now I'm sitting in our bathroom shocked. I just took 3 pregnancy test and their all positive. I don't know what to say. Me and Austin want a baby, but just last week we talked about how we need some time to finish his tour. He started his tour a month after our wedding and I am not exactly sure when it ends. 

I guess I should tell him now...


"I'm in the studio!" I walked to the studio, watching him play with his studio audio machines.

"Hey." I walked up to him, sat on his lap and gave him a kiss.

"Hi." I whispered. "Watcha doing?"

"Just working on a new song."

"Already? You just released an album." He smiled.

"It won't be released for awhile." I did the oh mouth.

"Want to order chinese and talk?"

"Talk? About what?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing in particular." I guess I'm telling him during dinner.

"That sounds good. You go order, while I finish up. I just need to write the last of the lyrics." I nodded my head and gave him another kiss.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Here we go.

"Well, something happened today." He scooted me closer to him on the couch. "

And?" I let out a breath.

"I don't know how to say this so I'm just gonna say it." I looked at his face and he just starred at me.

"I'm pregnant." I look at him again, and his smile went from ear to ear.

"Really?" I nodded my head.

"Thats awesome! I'm going to be a dad!" I smiled. He kissed me for a really long time, then gave me multiple short kisses.

"When did you know?" "I just took three tests this morning, after I threw up."

"You threw up?" I nodded my head. "You were still sleeping."

"I'm sorry. Next time wake me up."

"Okay. We need to make a doctors appointment." He nodded his head and called a doctor.

"Tomorrow at 7." "Okay." 

We laid in bed just talking. Austin had his hand on my stomach the whole time.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad."

"Your really happy?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well last week we were talking about how you wanted to finish the tour before we have a baby."

"Well I did, but that was before I knew you were pregnant. Of course I'm happy that me and my wife are having a baby." I gave him a sweet gentle kiss.

"I'm going to get so fat." He just laughed. "It's not funny!" He just shook his head. I got up.

"Where you going?" "To get a shower." "Can I join?" "No!" He did his pout face. "I need to shave. Not happening."


"And Austin." "Yeah?"

"No tweeting your fans saying I'm pregnant. We'll tell them when its the right time." "Of course." I gave him another kiss and got in the shower.

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