The Joy Of the Cold

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*Edited 9/24/18*

Chapter Twenty Eight

Crisp, soft, and cold. Winter is beautiful. It has always been my favorite season. Not only does it hold the famous holiday, Christmas, but also my birthday. I turn eighteen in two weeks and I have no clue what to do to celebrate.

Olivia said that I could host a party at her house, but I don't want to be an inconvenience. Also, Hannah might fly down for my birthday. It has been months since I have last seen her and I'm slowly falling apart without her hugs.

I'm sure she is falling apart without me as well. We practically need one another to breathe. Winter break started two days ago and she already seems to be acting weird over the phone due to our deepening desire to see one another. 

I haven't talked to Scarlett in almost a year, but it doesn't really bother me. People tend to grow apart with distance and time. I planned on going out today to the town square, but I currently have only been a lazy ass on my computer. 

I sadly hit my period yesterday and I feel like my stomach is a never ending pit food-eater. I have gone through all the Pringles, ice cream, and Rice Crispy Treats. I still manage to weigh one thirty five though. It seems so weird how my weight stays the same even though I eat so much.

I push myself up from my computer and minimize all the pictures of hot celebrities. Another flaw of being on your period. Hot guys pop to my mind twenty-four-seven. I know it's not only me as Hannah and Scarlett has shared their period stories with me. 

I slipped on a thin black and blue hoodie that used to be Scotty's, then put on my combat boots then grabbed my bag and keys. "Oh Nicole!" My mom screeched from the office as I tried to tip toe out. 

I gave her a liar smile through gritted teeth. "Yes?" I asked. "What would you like the most for Christmas?" She asked. Oh no. That dreadful question. They do realize that; for one, I will know what I am getting, and two, that asking me basically means they don't know me well enough. 

"I don't know. Figure it out." I said with a grin. "Nicole Kathleen Sullivan!" My mother scolded me in a single snappy sentence. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "You should know me well enough to know what to get me for Christmas and my birthday." 

I added my birthday in the end to see her reaction and I got the one I was hoping for.  Her eyes widened with realization and she shut her mouth. "You should have money on your debit card to go shopping with." My mom simply said. 

"That's okay, I just got my check from Stumpy's." I said and left. find presents. I'm not so worried about Hannah or Olivia, they are easy. Hannah just needs some kind of pretty antique thing and Olivia simply needs a pretty skirt. 

I'm going to struggle with Ky though. That guy could get a pair of boxers and socks and probably be the most thankful person on the planet. As I pulled into the town square, I felt my stomach growl and ache. I need a bathroom and food.

I should have changed before I left. I went into a place called Christina's, seeing as it was one of the few restaurants in the square. Ugh, I hate this place. It smells so weird. When I stepped in, the smell shot my nose and blew up my head. Okay, this is a massive nope.

I left in a scurry and went to Fuzzy's taco shop that was just down the street a little. When I arrived, I ordered a simple cheese quesadilla then went off to the bathroom. When I got back, my stomach didn't feel like it was burning anymore, and I felt relieved to know I didn't leak.

Thank god I wore black pants today. When they called my name, I gladly took the plate and a cup of sweet tea. As I ate, I tried to think of good ideas of gifts for Ky and everybody else. Why do I have to be the least creative in the group?

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