Goodbye Avalanna

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Justin POV

Even in the aftermath of helping Louis fuck over One Direction I still had problems of my own to take care of.

All my problems started with Selena.
I remember when we started out. She was so sweet and trusting. Now every chance she gets I am the bad guy.

I have Taylor slamming every chance she gets. I can't take it. It gets on my nerves so much that I still don't get enough sleep at night. It is frustrating when the person you care for the most won't give you the time of day.

I pulled out my phone and got on twitter.

"@JustinBieber I am about to to have a concert event later. So check it out and I hope that all my #Beliebers like it as much as I do."

I got up and rushed to my moms house. I had a key so I had let myself in. "Mom ? Where are you ?" , as I called through out the house. "The kitchen !", my mom called.

I strolled in and was met with the eyes of my little brother Jaxon and my little sister Jazmyn. " Justin !" , they both yelled as the nearly tackled me to the floor. "Guys get off ! Come on I am not kidding !", I yelled in between laughs at Jazmyn and Jaxon.

My mother sat the kids back down as I started to stand up. " What brings you here Justin ?" I slumped into a chair next to Jazmyn. "Selena. I just don't know what to do anymore."

My mother gave me a sympathetic look. "Honey, you have done everything that you can. You can't expect yourself to do all that heavy lifting. She is apart of this too. If she doesn't want to face you. All you can do is pray. Speaking of pray....go visit avalanna."

My mother told me as I hugged everyone goodbye and headed for the children's hospital.

When I got there I instantly went to her room. Once I got there the room was more vacant than usual. "Justin what are you doing there ?", Avalanna's mother Mrs. Routh said.

" Where's Avalanna ? ", I said as I already knew what she was possibly going to say. "She's gone. She died 4 hours ago. She couldn't even say goodbye."

By then tears were running down my face as I ran out of the hospital.

She's gone.... No she can't be gone ! I didn't even get to say goodbye to her ! Why ! Why take Avalanna !

I drove all the way home and logged onto twitter.

"@JustinBieber a very blessed soul left us today. Avalanna Routh. She died today. She means a lot to me so I would appreciate it if she was on everyone's prayers. " #R.I.P Avalanna I love you #Mrs.Bieber
#Pray #Believe #BelieberLove"

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