What The Fuck Harry !

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Zayn POV

I was getting bored so I went to Lou's. Niall and Brandon went to go see Niall's parents for a while. Just so that Brandon can really get to know them.

When I arrived Liam opened the door for me. "Liam I thought you went home with Harry ?" Liam just shrugged his shoulders. "So....Zayn how is Trisha ?"

I scoffed. "My mother is fine." As I talked with Liam Louis eventually yelled that breakfast was ready. He handed Liam a plate and sat down. "Louis where's Haz ?"

I tried to give Louis a hug when Harry came down the stairs. "Get your hands off of Louis. He's moved on Zayn."

I laughed. I mean Louis is always going to love me. "What are you talking about Harry ?" Then Harry exploded. "He's my Boyfriend so get your hands off !"

Soon we were fighting and wrestling on the ground. Harry and Louis ? That seems like a doomed relationship.

When Liam finally got us to stop fighting Harry grabbed his coat and left. I am pretty sure he is going to the bar to get a drink.

"Louis how could you ! Harry ! Harry isn't the right one for you !" I yelled at Louis. Next thing I know he yelled back. "Yes he is ! I love Harry and you need to accept that ! I an going after him." Louis said as he ran outside to catch up with Harry.

I just can't believe he would do this to me. I expected this from Liam. Not Harry. Harry was supposed to be my best mate. I mean after all Niall and I aren't married. Brandon isn't even my child. Niall is married to a women named Lizzy. He took Brandon to go see her. So that he could get to know his mother.

What the fuck Harry !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Harry POV

Zayn still hasn't gotten over Louis. He shows up thinking Louis belongs to him. Well he is wrong. But seeing him tonight I had to get out of there. So I headed to the local bar.

I ordered two martinis and swollowed them real fast. I was so stupid to think that Zayn would just give up. I then turned around to find Louis. "Harry come back to the flat. We need to talk."

I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't hide what I am feeling anymore. "We can talk now. Even though it is clear you and Zayn just don't know when to stop. You love him Louis. Admit that to yourself."

Louis looked at me with very hurtful eyes. Even though we both know what I said is the truth. "Harry ? Please listen to me."
Louis was begging me now. Even I know that it was out of pity. "Just go Louis. I am not going with you. Can't you see that you have caused me more that enough pain. Goodbye Louis."

Louis left without saying one word. It was inevitable. Louis and I don't belong together. It took a few more drinks and some tears before I headed back to the flat. "What the fuck Harry ! What did Louis ever do to you !" Zayn yelled at me with pure hatred in his voice.

"Zayn tell him. After all he belongs with you. Tell him that truth." Zayn turned to Louis smiling from ear to ear. "Louis ? Me and Niall aren't really married. I found out a week ago that Brandon wasn't my son. His mother mother and Niall are really close. He wanted to apologize for his pitiless actions. Niall seeks your forgiveness. I love you, Louis. I am hoping you feel the same."

Louis looked at me with an shocked look. Like he couldn't believe his ears. "Yes ! Yes Zayn ! Yes I do !" Then I stepped in before I got even more attached to Louis than I should. "I'll be leaving now. My best wishes all of you. But I can't deny the pain I have anymore. I wish that it didn't have to end this way. I am leaving, but I will come hack soon."

I grabbed my bags and showed myself out. I hailed a cab that took me as far away from here as possible. Considering if I didn't get out now that I would never leave.

I gave you attention when nobody else was payin' .....Gave you the shirt off my back what you sayin' to keep you warm..... Showed you the game everybody else was playin' that's for sure......I was on my knees when nobody was prayin'..... Where are you now that I need ya.....Where are you now ?

That was what I sang as I left the city. I forgave them, but now it is time for me to move on. I can always be Harry Styles the curly-haired flirtatious boy from boy band One Direction. I just want to be Harry again. Without all the pressure of the boys or the fans. To simply be normal again.

I just wish that I could have brought Louis with me. Moving on is going to be harder than I thought. I will cone out on top. I just hope that the boys know that this is for the best.

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