Shocker !

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Niall POV

Louis has been extremely moody these last few days. I wonder what is wrong with him.

I woke up a couple of hours ago, but when I woke up Zayn wasn't beside me. I got dressed and as I headed down the hall I stopped at Louis's door. "Z-zayn we shouldnt. Niall would kill you if he found out in the middle of the night you snuck in here to cuddle with me."

Then I hear Zayn's raspy morning voice. "Cuddling with you because you were crying. I probably shouldn't have snuck out on Niall, but I couldn't let you sit in here all alone crying your eyes out. I love you Louis."

I ran back to me and Zayn's room and locked the door. I sobbed into the pillow beside me. I can't believe Zayn. Louis and I were just getting back to being friends. Then here he goes sneaking off and telling Louis he loves him.

What does that mean for me ? What about Carter and James ? Does he even care ?

I cried for a good 30 minutes before I heard Carter and James waking up. I unlocked the door and went to their room. James was crying the most. "Shhh....don't cry James. Daddy's here. Shhh....shhhhh..."

He calmed down in 10 minutes before I scooped him and Carter up and took them downstairs. "Morning Niall !... What wrong ?", Harry asked full of concern. "I am fine. Missing home as usual. It take some getting used to again. Seriously I am fine Harry."

Harry gave me a hug. I don't know whether he was trying to convince himself that I was fine or me, but the hug helped a little bit.

I was feeding Carter and James when Liam, Louis, and Zayn trailed downstairs. "Morning !", Zayn said as he tried to wrap his arms around me.

I got up and moved. "Ni what's wrong ?" I scoffed. "Nothing Zayn. Nothing at all." We all ate breakfast in silence. I gave Louis my best I am fine looks so that he would stop worrying about me.

Then all of a sudden Zayn starts pacing. "What's wrong Zayn ?", I asked because he was starting to freak me out. He showed me the texts.

Mom : Coming to visit my son. I am so happy to see you. I am bringing Donyia, Waliyha, and Safaa with me. Don't let me down, Zayn. Xoxo

Me: Head on over mom. It is no big deal. Xoxo Zayn

Zayn started pulling on his hair. "I haven't broken the news about Carter and James to her. We all know how she gets. I can't tell her without her trying to make me say something else."

The doorbell had rung. Zayn opened it to come face to face with his three living sisters and his living mother. Safaa walked in and immediately ran to me since I was still holding Cater and James.

"Zayn whose babies are these ? They are absolutely adorable !"

I gulped and took a few breathes. "They are me and Zayn's twin sons Safaa." She called Waliyha and Donyia and the started to smother Carter and James in affection. Then Trisha spoke.
"Zain Javaad Malik , next time I am the last to know about future children you have I am seriously going to cry ! Why didn't you tell me ?"

Zayn hugged his mother to steady her breathing. "I didn't tell you because you always had a picture perfect future you wanted for me. I didn't know if I could trust that you would let me make my own decisions."

Trisha smiled weakly. "They are adorable. Mind if I hold one of them ?" I happily handed Carter to her. He face had lit up. It was beautiful to watch her want to bond with her grandchildren. I am just happy she accepted me.

Once they left I had put Carter and James down for a nap. "Sweet dreams have a very vibrant future ahead of you."

Zayn walked into our room after me. "Niall what did I do ?" I smiled. "You snuck out of here in the middle of the night. And told Louis you loved him. No big deal. You will make it up to me anyway."

I said as I laid down and closed my eyes. What an amazayn day. He for sure is going to pay.

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