Louis's Babies Part 2

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Liam POV

I shot up out of bed and headed for the shower. I brushed my teeth threw a T-shirt and some jeans, plus my Batman themed snapback. I fixed my hair the grabbed my phone. I was up a little earlier than I thought so I went for a little morning run.

Next thing I know is that I am sitting in my car infront if the hospital. Where Louis and his babies are. U hop out and head right in. I signed in and when straight to Louis's room. I knocked before coming in. "Hey Liam ? Youre back !" I smiled at the brightness he eyes were shining ashamed because that shine will turn into anger.

"Louis there's something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead Liam. Say it already."

I looked down at my shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the dull room. "Harry blurted out yesterday that you had givin birth. Now Zayn and Niall know."

I looked back up to see Louis giving me a sympathetic look. "What did you say Liam ?" I stared right back into his eyes and told him, "Nothing. After Harry said it out loud I ran upstairs angry with the fact he said anything at all. Zayn and Niall weren't supposed to know."

Louis patted the spot next to him and I sat exactly there. He grabbed my hand and laced his finger s threw mine. Did I forget to mention that I am in love with Louis. Danielle broke up with me and I didn't really feel the need to tell the boys. I was going fine on my own.

I couldn't help, bit lean closer to Louis. I smiled with all the passion I me. I guess he realized. I thought he was going to pull back away from me.

Instead he placed his delicate lips upo mine. I gently kissed back. When we pulled away. We were still looking into each others eyes. "What was that for ?"

Louis chuckled. "O have always noticed that look I your eyes. I have always know. I guess I just that it was a look. Until I looked into your eyes now and saw only infinity shining through your eyes at me."

"What does that make us then Louis ?" I said a bit anxious. I didn't know what to expect to come out of Louis's mouth. "Your my boyfriend. Tomorrow we will head to the flat with Hermione and and Nate. I am not afraid to say that I know you will protect me, Hermione, and Nate with all your might Liam."

I smiled before pecking him in the forhead. I heard him falling asleep so I stood up and went to his babies. Once I layed eyes on them the whole world stopped. Hermione giggled and laughed. Nate along with her. I found it utterly beautiful. Once.I arrived at the flat. I found Eleanor sitting in Harry's lap. "El ? Why are you here ?" She got up kissed Harry then left.

"What was that ?!?!?!??!?! What was she doing here Harry ! Once Louis finds out you know he will be PISSED !!!!" Harry immediately stands up. "She's kind of...my girlfriend. I have been seeing her since I got Taylor situated."

"When were you going to share this with me ! Let alone Louis ! Considering he dated her ! Even if it was for show !"

Harry flinched a little. "Liam it is no big deal. Louis isn't even a part of the band anymore. If you choose to believe Louis is so innocent. I am sorry to taint your perfect world, but font forget Louis almost destroyed our careers. Do you think that even for a second he cares ?"

I shook my head as I went up to my room. I started packing everything. I will buy another flat. I have to get out of here. Louis will understand tomorrow. He will never get the respect he greatly craves for. I will never be seen as the over caring person of this band. I will do what I have to do for Louis and his kids.

It is sad to admit that Hermione and Nate will never get an equal amount of attention as Carter and James..Harry has made that perfectly clear.

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