Louis's Mood Swings

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Harry POV

After I helped Liam out with some stuff. I walked back into the flat. Zayn was all over Niall and quite frankly it made me want to vomit. Seriously ! Do you have to do that in front of Louis ! , my mind snapped at me.

There Lou was sitting quietly on the couch furthest away from the Ziall affection. "Louis ? You have to take your pill now." Louis just nodded and took it like he was hiding something.

"Louis if something happened while me and Liam were outside you need to tell me." Louis didn't say anything. He stared at me with this unreadable look in his face.

I decided that he wasn't going to talk and went to get Liam. Maybe he knows what to do ?

"Liam ?" His back was turned to me. After all were were sitting on the porch. "Hmm ?", he hummed in response. " I think there is something wrong with Louis. Seemed fine when he had took his pill, but afterwards he just stared off into space when I asked what was wrong. "

Lima got up and marched into the flat. Zayn and Niall were still messing around. And from the looks of it Liam looked terrifyingly angry about it. He walked over and sat by Louis. "Lou is everything OK ?"

Louis let out a sigh and whispered, " I feel uncomfortable is all. I am good really." Even though he didn't look fine it was like Louis was hiding behind something. Liam then walked back over to me. "Go cuddle with Louis. At least before his pill kicks in."

I did as I was told. I sat next to Louis and hugged him to my chest. I focused in his steady breathing. Then out of nowhere he started sobbing his heart out. Zayn was slick watching me and Louis as he was messing around with Niall. Then all of a sudden the started laughing.

Liam ran back into the room nearly cracking up at the intensive laughs leaving Louis's throat. "What so funny Lou ?" Louis just kept on laughing." I just remembered the day of X-Factor boot camp when Harry was dressed up like the Easter Bunny. It was the creepiest and cutest thing ever !"

Everyone was laughing then everyone except Zayn. He was still staring at me with this look. I can't describe it. Once everyone calmed down. Louis shoved me. I guess he doesn't want to be cuddled anymore.

I swear he did that because he knows that Zayn is watching. "Lou be nice." Liam ordered Louis. Louis scoffed, Nice ! It is to LATE for nice LIAM JAMES PAYNE ! Urghhh ! Everyone please just leave me ALONE !" Louis shouted as he went upstairs.

After spending at least two hours in his room I went to go get Louis because dinner was ready. "Louis ?" Then I laid eyes on him sniffling on his bed. "Harry will you cuddle with me to tonight ?" I smiled gently at him. "Of course Boobear. Now come on dinner is ready."

Once downstairs his eyes were a little puffy. Thank god Carter and James were asleep. Zayn and Niall don't know Louis is pregnant. Sooner or later there will be another set of babies running around here.

I had set Louis at the table when u went to get my phone from the living room. "Stay away from Louis Harry. He is MINE." I know the smooth voice. "Zayn if you're challenging me. GAME ON."

We ate dinner at we all had a great time. I wonder why Zayn even cares so much. He broke Louis and picked Niall. He even now has to kids. So why jeopardize his chances with FATE again ?

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