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"How did your meeting with Miss Lee went?"

Jiyong asked Seungri as they hang out at one of the latter's favorite bar.

"Not good. I know for sure Chaerin's mad at me." Seungri said as he stares at his glass.

"Why? Our department is already on a stable state. Is she still worried about that?"

Seungri looked at him and spaced out. 'I shouldn't tell him.' he thought. Even though his tongue is itching to tell him why Chaerin is mad, he knew it would make things shambled. Seungri won't deny it; he was infuriated with Jiyong with the decision he made before. Leaving everyone and everything behind for an opportunity that would lead him to a mediocre life. And as he looks at it, he lived a middling life for the past four years. However when he met Jiyong again at that party, all of his anger fade; instead he felt pity for his hyung. Indeed he still cares for his friend.

"Nah, it was about a different thing." Seungri snaps his finger. "Hey. Let's not talk about that. It is all behind us now. It is time to plan the 'make Chaerin mine again' operation. So how are you two?"

"Not doing well. You already know what happened. And with how she is now, I don't think she will forgive me that easily."

"Eii. Have you already forgotten what i told you last time? She is still the HUNCHAE we knew from before."

"I don't think that's true. I don't see any of it." Jiyong protested.

"Because she doesn't let you see it. I'll sight you an example; you told me a story before. Remember when she delivers coffee on your station first thing on your shift?"

"Yeah. I remember that. What about it?"

"Hmm. Well she still does it; to Seunghyun hyung and me."

"But I don't see-"

"Again. Because she doesn't let you see it. Before you got here, she will go to my office first then hand Seunghyun hyungs'. And when she learnt that you are my secretary I thought she stopped it." Seungri laugh.

"What happened?"

**Seungri entered his office a bit late than usual however he didn't find the thing he usually finds.

"Where is it?" He asked himself.

He checks his phone to find a message.

'Drop by my office to get your coffee'

"hmm what's up?"

Seungri went to Chaerin's office.

"Good morning my queen. Where is it?" Seungri greeted Chaerin with a smile.

"Here." She handed him his morning coffee.

"Why didn't deliver it?"

"Just because."

Chaerin avoided his eyes but Seungri saw a red tint on her cheeks. He knew the reason why she didn't bring his coffee to him personally; he knew she doesn't want to see his secretary and she is being shy about it.

"Just because..." Seungri asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

"There's no reason for it okay?!" She huffs some air.

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