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Three weeks later...
My blessing Neveah was finally able to come home with me, she did so well in nicu. In a week and a half she was able to get off the feeding machine and able to be breast fed. Soon after on the third week she was able to come off the breathing machine. She was so smart, my little angel. Neveah was supposed to be born November 10th but since she was born two months early she was officially born on September 6th. Normally premies don't go home till close to their due date, for many of reasons but Neveah was maturing very well and they gave us the go ahead to let her come home with me. Kevin had gotten to see her, but have not been able to hold her like i was able yet, as well as my auntie, uncle, tamia, and javon. I had stayed in the hospital the whole three weeks neveah was here due to me days later having internal bleeding and having to have another surgery in my shoulder. Tamia was going to be the one bringing us both home because javon would only just be getting off work when we checked out at four. My auntie and uncle would come and visit tomorrow since it would be Saturday, and jameka would also. I couldn't tell you where kevin was, last time he visited us both was monday and haven't called or texted. It really pissed me off but i have better things to think about now.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Tamia peaked her head in smiling.

"Girl been ready to take my baby home, i got so much to do. Her room isn't even put together." I rambled as i placed neveah in her Minnie Mouse car seat.

"We can worry about that later, I'm just glad my sister and niece are going home." Tamia said as she picked up the car seat and carried it out to her new impala. I sat in the back with neveah who was now knocked out. My baby was so cute, i of course snapped a couple pictures. Thirty minutes later we pulled up to our town house and i went to open the door and there was all my family. I almost started crying.

"Welcome back home baby girl." Javon had came over and kissed my head and got neveah's car seat from tamia. "I've got the whole nursery all put together for neveah, if you want to go put her in the bed."

I couldn't help but just smile, he was the best. I picked her up out of the carseat and took her upstairs to the nursery. When i walked in it was beautiful, the walls were pained a soft subtle lilac and grey. She had her all white crib with her lilac colored sheets, covers, and boppy pillow. It had a beautiful white rug, rocking chair, and a all white changing table. She had her name on the wall in all clear crystals and some of her pictures from when we had ultrasounds. It was a blank space left above her bed where her first picture would go, her nursery was just perfect. I changed her diaper and changed her to a onesie and rocked her back asleep while feeding her. Once she fell asleep i put her in bed and turned on her baby monitor as i left to go across the hall to my room. I took me a nice shower, put on some pj pants, a black tank top and went downstairs to the family.

"Best friend i swear the bounce back is real right now, you look like you weren't even pregnant!" Tamia looked at me shocked. "Looks like all the extras went to your booty girl, it's huge!"
I laughed as she checked me out.

"Neveah alright?" Javon asked as i sat next to him on the couch.

"Yeah, just but her back to sleep." I yawned.

"Aww, you sleepy bae."

"I am but i want to enjoy the family while they are here."

"I understand but you need to get some rest baby. Go ahead and go upstairs and sleep for a little bit, i got neveah for you if she cry."

"Okay thank you." I kissed his lips and went upstairs. As soon as my head hit the pillow i was knocked out.
I had locked up the house as everybody left. It was just going on nine and they both were still sound asleep I didn't hear any crying for neveah yet. I made sure to set the alarm and went upstairs to neveah's room first. She wasn't in her crib, so i went to our room and there they were sound alseep next to eachother. It was so beautiful, my baby is a good mother. As for neveah's father he is a dead beat already, we haven't herd from him since Monday guess the daddy life isn't for him. But if he wasn't going to be a father to this angel then i was going to be. I took me a shower and knocked out for the night.

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