The Beginning

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I see a man and a young teen girl walking through the woods. I look away and see three wolves standing and looking at me. I look back to the people and the man had his head at her neck and she was crying.

Vampires and werewolves together. This is not happening. Not in my town. "Leave or you will get what he's gonna get." I said so only the wolves could hear me. They look at me and then run. Turning my attention back to the vampire, I move fast so I can get behind him. "You know this is my town and this girl lives here so she is under my pretection." I said. He licked her neck and looks at me.

His eyes were a baby blue and his hair is like dark chocolate. He is hot and is looking at me like he wants to eat me. And I like it.

"You, how are you alive and here??" He looked at me in the eyes sternly. "In this small town? Why do you talk to me like that? Your town? Your joking right?" He said tauntingly.

" This is my town I'm the hunter who keeps you assholes out of here. And what do you mean 'how am I alive'? and here? I was born here." I yelled at him.

"You, my mate, dare to yell at me? I can take you now and know one would be able to do anything about it! You are mine, come here." He yelled. And I did, I went to him.

He pulled me close and I don't know why I did as I was told. Wait did he say mate?

"Mate? I don't think so. I have a boyfriend that's not a monster. And I don't know you or anything about you. And I don't want to. Let me go." I said.

"Well you are mine so I am going to have a talk with this boyfriend. And as a monster, your going to be one to. Its just a matter of time. And you well be mine, you can feel it in my touch. I know you can because I can." He said kissing my neck.

"Um, what's your name? And will you please let me go? I need to get this girl to the hospital. She is hurt thanks to you! Oh and I'm Rose." I whispered playing his game, hoping he will let me go.

"Haze is the name. Prince of all supernatural beings. But you can call me Haze." He said with a smile.

"Well Haze, give me the girl and go wait on me at my house. If you harm a hair on my families head, I will kill you right there. Got me?" I said. He nods.

I get the girl and get her to my car. I think I went to school with her when I was younger. I dropped out when I started hunting. So I only have freshmen learning but as a hunter I'm the best around.

"He is going to hurt you, I knew he was going to do this, but I went with him. Don't trust him, he is no good. Rose please just go home and kill this one just like the rest that you have killed. Oh and if you don't remember me, its Hailey. We were in fourth grade." She said softy.

"Yea I know who you are. And I know who he is. But the question is, why is he here and why'd he call me his mate?" I said driving.

When we get to the hospital, the doctors take Hailey and let me go. I was going home to deal with Haze and this mate thing. I don't know if I can kill this one. There is something about him, if its the mate thing then I will not let that stop me.

When I get home, I see my window open and I have a feeling like I know he is here.

I go inside and see my little sister and brother sitting together in the floor. My sister is crying. "Lillybug are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks up and sees me. She jumps up and hugs me.

"Rosy tell me it's not true. Tell me you'll stay with us and your not leaving. Tell me the man in your room is not your mate and you'll become one of them?" She yelled holding me to her.

"Oh Lillybug I can't tell you any of that because I don't know. But I'm going to find out, I will not be leaving you all if, I can help it. But if he is my mate then I have to go with him and you will become the new hunter and I will hunt there. Getting rid of those things. I love you Lillybug and you to little Dug. Now go to your room. I'll be in to get you when he is gone. And we will not tell John and dad, OK?" I said hugging them. They nod and run to their room. They're the same age. If I do go with Haze then Lilly well become the hunter and get my room with the hunting stuff.

When I get up to my room the door was open. I walk in and see him looking at a picture of my mother and father together. This is the last pictures she took.

"Haze I told you not to hurt my family." I said softly.

"Oh my love, I was waiting on you. Your little people are very weird. Why do you keep them?" He asked. Did he not have a little brother or sister?

"They are my family and we don't get rid of family. Now we need to talk. I am not going....." Before I could finish he kissed me. He kissed me on the lips. What is wrong with this man? Why do his lips feel so good. Am I kissing back? I am. He pulled me close to him an deepens the kiss. I push to his chest and his hands hold me to him. And I kiss back with all I have.

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