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He walks up to me and smiles even more. Summer I'd happy to. He held his hand out. I put my hand in his and fire runs up and down my body. I smile at that too.  It feels so right with him. He must be Haze, my mate. Its nice to be with him. But I'm starting to wonder now John got me in the first place.

"Rose, would you like to see our baby?" Haze asked softly as if I would run away. I nod and wait for him to hand me my baby.

She was beautiful. Baby blue eyes and dark brown hair. She looks like me. She is really my baby. "What's her name?" I ask softly, sad I can't remember my baby's name.

"Poppy. Her name is Poppy. She look a lot like her mom, but her eyes are like mine." He smiles talking about our baby. My little girl is so beautiful. I would never want to let go of her! "Come on love let's got you all home so we can talk and work all this out." He said kissing my forehead.

When we get back to his house, we take Poppy to her room and then went to ours. Haze kisses me on the lips like there's no tomorrow. I kiss him back. That's when I hear crying. Is sound like Poppy crying. My baby needs me. I push Haze off and run down the hall to Poppy's room. I see a Lady standing with my baby a knife to her neck. My baby is crying out for help and all I can do is stand here hopping she doesn't hurt my baby. And that's when it all comes back to me. Haze sleeping with the hoe holding my baby.

"Lora please don't hurt Poppy. She have never hurt anyone please just let her go!" I say. She looks at me and smiles.

"Oh little Poppy has nothing to do with this. But I am helping my mate brake you. Leave you wanting and hurting so he can make you better, give you the baby you always wanted. And not this hybrid that will kill us all!" She yells, as she pushed the knife into my baby's neck and killed her. A pain ran throw me as I cried out for my baby. Haze pulled me into his arms and holds me as I cry for my beautiful baby that was lost today. They the bitch that will die for what she did to my baby.

"Rose it's okay Poppy will be on a better place and we will kill them." Haze whispers to me.

"Let me go, I have stuff to do, but first send men to got Lora and take her to the torcher room. I want to be the one to do this. And take Poppy to the moreg. I can't see her any more." With that I walk to my room. I put on black leather pants, black leather boots, and a black top.

She will die today. And the late thing we will we is me!

I walk into the room they have her in and pick up a silver knife. I walk to her and smile. "Well, well, well, Lady Lora Ann. I look at you and I see the woman that helped kill my baby. The mate to the man that raped me. And lest but not least the woman that fucked my mate in our bed!" I yelled at her. "But you know, this is your last day. Last minute. Anything you want me to tell your mate as I rip his heart out with my hands?"

"Yeah, tell him I never wanted to be his mate. I never wanted to hurt that baby. And tell him your mate, oh, is his an amazing fucker. That was the best I have ever had." She smiles.

I stabbed the knife into her leg and terned it. Her screams fell my ears. Making me want to hear it more. This is her my baby, and myself, I thought as I stabbed her legs over and over.

I move to her hand, the are tided to the chair. I look at her fingers and pull one up. "Let's see how bed this hurts you." I said with a smile. I cut her finger off and dripped it the floor. Haze walked in and looked at me with lustful eyed. The leather was a good call. ,

"Rose it's okay Poppy will be on a better place and we will kill them." Haze whispers to me.

"Let me go, I have stuff to do, but first send men to got Lora and take her to the torcher room. I want to be the one to do this. And take Poppy to the moreg. I can't see her any more." With that I walk to my room. I put on black leather pants, black leather boots, and a black top.

She will die today. And the late thing we will we is me!

I walk into the room they have her in and pick up a silver knife. I walk to her and smile. "Well, well, well, Lady Lora Ann. I look at you and I see the woman that helped kill my baby. The mate to the man that raped me. And lest but not least the woman that fucked my mate in our bed!" I yelled at her. "But you know, this is your last day. Last minute. Anything you want me to tell your mate as I rip his heart out with my hands?"

"Yeah, tell him I never wanted to be his mate. I never wanted to hurt that baby. And tell him your mate, oh, is his an amazing fucker. That was the best I have ever had." She smiles.

I stabbed the knife into her leg and terned it. Her screams fell my ears. Making me want to hear it more. This is her my baby, and myself, I thought as I stabbed her legs over and over.

I move to her hand, the are tided to the chair. I look at her fingers and pull one up. "Let's see how bed this hurts you." I said with a smile. I cut her finger off and dripped it the floor. Haze walked in and looked at me with lustful eyed. The leather was a good call.

"Rose, love may I have you now? You look to sexy right now to stop me so please say yes." He said as he walked up to us. Lora looked at him with love and I look to him as a way to hurt her. This is going to work for me more then he knows.

"Yes." And I jump onto him kissing and like there's no tomorrow and I can't help be hear Lora crying out as the man she love make live to his mate. The mate that just cut her finger off.

"I'll tell you where john is of you just don't have sex in front of me. Please just kill me." Lora cried out and I smiled. Kissing Haze one more time, I look at Lora and wait for her to tell me.

"He told me he would wait for me at the cross. The cross where you first meat him. He said if I could to get you to." She said softly. And I put a knife throw her eye.

The cross is over my mother's grave. The last place of rest for her. I will kill him but not there. My mother is more important then he is.

We walk up to the back side of my mothers cross and I see John holding flowers. He lays the flower on my mothers grave and looks at me. "Rose. Please come out. I know you and your mate is out there I just don't know where.

'Rose let me kill him please.' Have said in my head. I nod and walk to the cross.

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