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John at the top... From Facebook.

I looked at the woods. Haze is letting me go out after a week of nothing but being trapped with him, he wouldn't let anyone in the room, he said it was his way to show his love. Not that I mind his love. I just wanted a walk.

"Rose, its time to go back." My bodyguard said. Her name it Chris, she has blue hair and blue eyes. I smile and we walk back to the house but right as we get there I see John standing at the edge of the woods.

"Rose go inside and get Prince Haze. He will take care of the wolf." As Chris said this John saw me. I go into the house and get Haze.

"Baby, John is outside may I talk to him or will you?" I ask walking up to Haze. He looks at me then goes outside. I follow behind him.

"Rose can we talk? I have Lilly with me but she is out in the woods." John said smiling.

Haze looks at John and pulls me to him. "You will leave the girl with us and leave. Now where is the girl?" Haze said with a booming voice.

"Pierce bring the girl to me!" John yelled. And a wolf walked up with Lilly on her back. "Give me Rose and little Lillybug well not get hurt." He said sweetly.

I feel so little seeing my sister on the wolf. She looked at me and I see blood on her lip. Haze holds me so I can't move. He knew I can kill the wolf, but could I kill my bestfriend\ex? John had been there for me when I was always in need.

"Let her go, John. If you love Rose, don't do this to her." Haze said softly but I knew he heard him.

Lilly looked at me and I see hurt in her eyes. But I don't know if its from me or John. It would kill me to know that I hurt her in more ways than one.

"John please let my sister go. Lillybug please get off the wolf and come to me!" I said.

Lilly gets off the wolf and walks over to me. But she stopped halfway and looked at John. He smiled and she ran to me.

"Rosey please come home with us. I'm not ready to be the hunter of the family and I can't do it. John needs you to. He loved you Rose. Your mate can never do what he can. Your mate is the undead. I don't want you to be like him. Please sissy come back and love us again." Lilly said looking into my eyes.

And then it was all gone. Lilly wasn't there and John wasn't ether. But Haze was right with me.

"Haze why did you leave her out there?!?" I yell at him. He left my sister to get hurt.

"Rose that is not your sister. Please trust me. That was a monster. It was not her." He said kissing my head.

"Haze I need to go get them. May they please come live with us? Please I need to know if they're okay." I begged.

Haze looked at me and the he was gone to.

I stand in front of a white wolf. She was smiling at me.

"Little Rose would you like to know why Haze can not change you? It is because of me. I am your wolf. You let him try to kill us. I don't want to die. Oh by the way I am summer. Our mate can't change us. But we well not age from today on." She said with a song like tone.


I open my eyes and Haze is looking at me. He looked like he hasn't slept in a day or so.

"Rose? Baby your up! What happened? Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Haze asked.

"Haze I know why I can't be changed. I know why I am different. I have a wolf." I smiled.


Haze and I are walking to the local pack. They should know how I can shift and become my wolf Summer is very smart but she can't think of how to shift. I really can't wait to see my wolf. She is going to be beautiful.

"Rose, I'm sorry about yelling!" Haze said again. He yelled at me because he didn't want a wolf mate. He thought I was joking.

"It's fine just let's get to this pack." I said not touching him.

He was going to learn I don't deal with yelling very well.

My father yelled when I was little and I ended up punching him.

"Rose seriously you can't be mad at me forever" he said.

Oh but I can. He doesn't know how mad I can stay.

"Yes I can I'm a wolf I don't age. If you don't want to be my mate, then reject me and move on with your life." I yelled.

I don't want him to reject me but I can live with this. I am a wolf I will learn to be a wolf. It would kill me if he did. I don't want to be rejected.

"I will never reject you. I love you! You are my mate, I need my mate." He growled.

I smile knowing he wouldn't.

We are still walking. It's taking forever. I thought wolves don't get tired. I was so wrong. Haze looked at me like I'm going to run away.

We are getting close. I can tell by the way Haze is acting. He is worried that I will stay with them. I told him I would never leave him. I love him too much. The thing is I am a hybrid and he is a royal. I know he loves me but will the kingdom welcome me with open arms? I hope so. I don't want to think what Haze would do if they didn't.

I see a big white house. This must be the pack house. Alpha Jake should be here. We told him we were coming.

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