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Haze's POV

My Rose looks at the grave.
So this is her real mom. The woman that gave birth to my mate. I look at the grave and it read.

Violet Dawn
FROM: 6-2-1977
TO: 5-5-06
Wife, lover,and friend

The stone was black. It looked like know one has been there in a long time. I looked at Rose then back to the stone.

"Why doesn't it say mother?" I ask softly.

"The same reason I can't remember her. We have a memory block. It keep you from remember what the witch wanted you to forget." She said. I could tell she wanted to cry but I had to worry about the man the helped kill my baby girl. The little one Rose and I made together.

The hurt fells me as I look at my mate. She wants to cry but can't. She wouldn't let herself. She is hurt and bleeding what know one can see, the love for her mother and the love for our little girl. The little girl that was tuck from us and it cut us both.

Rose got cut the most, she was there. In the room. Our little girl died in front of Rose. I can't ever think of how she is feeling.

Then she finds out her really mother has been die for 9 years. She was 9 years old at the time, yet she doesn't remember her mother. She thinks it a memory block. So she wouldn't know her mom.

This life has been heard on my little mate but she will be okay. We will find out who blocked her memories and why. If its something to do with her past then I will be there for her.

I look around not wanting to see my mate's mother's grave. The thought that my mate could be here to is killing me. I'm scared that after all this Rose will not want me.

Anyways..... I look around and see a house, a mailbox, and a name on it. The name said DAWN. That is Rose's last name. The name was written in blue paint, it was in little kid writing. I could see Rose painting the box. I wonder if we go in if she will remember.

I walk to the mailbox and open it. There are three letters. One had Violet's name on it. The other two are for Rose. I look at Violet's letter and open it.

Dear Miss Violet,

I know you said to block all Rose's memories, but I needed to give her something to help her remember when the time comes. The little girl needs a mom. I put your husband new wife/mate as you. All the good memories will have her in them. All the bad ones will be gone. But if Rose was to come home, she may get them back. I'm sorry I did that, and I know you will not get to read this but I am hoping he doesn't kill you before you read this. Your mate is a bad one. He beat and raped your little girl and you. The one thing that you cared about at all. I am really sorry you got put with that monster. We all knew it was a matter of time before he killed you. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it. I would do anything for you Violet. I'm sorry that Rose is not his baby. That I massed up and got you pregnant. And that that monster will be in her life and not me. Will all the love I still have for you. My little flower.


P.s. I will never stop looking for my baby. I love you Violet.

That latter just said the man who was Rose's dad, us not Rose's dad. This man James is. The wizards that blocked Rose's memories. Now what are these letters to Rose?

Dear Rose,

I know you don't know me. I know you will probably never see this. I'm worried that it will all start over. Your "father" is not who you think he is. He is a man that has hurt and killed people we both loved. I hope he doesn't hurt you anymore. His second chance mate has helped him a lot. Please if he ever hurts you call me. The father you know is not your father. He hurt ypu bad. I just want you to be safe.


P.S. I love you baby girl.

This man is writing to Violet and Rose? The way he sines his name made me think. I know I wizards that has the name James. James Dean. That's his name. He is a heard man to talk to. My dad worked with him when they would younger. But if Rose's dad isn't her real dad then, she's not a hunter at all. She a wolf and witch. My mate is a witch!

"Rose? Baby? Come here please!" I yell from the mailbox.

She walked over and I showed her, her letter. The one that had her name on it. She smiled at is and the cried. I hold her for a little bet but then I feel something calling to me. Something that I needed. I let go of Rose, and she looks at me like I'm crazy. I smile and walk up to the house. I feel as if I can't stop what was going to happen. As if I will die by walking into that house bit I had to do it anyways. The house itself was blue, with a white door. The name Dawn was on the door to. I think about what the letter said and about what my mate had said. The men in this house is going to hurt my family and I can't let that happen.

I open the door and the first thing I see is John holding a wood stack. And something I don't want to see. My Poppy's body laying on the floor.

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