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This is the baby. I got it off Google.

Its been three months sense I told haze about that baby. I know its Haze's. I can only have my mates baby. I'm still scared! Lilly and Doug are still living with us. They wouldn't leave with out me. I am about six months into this. Haze keeps saying I am so beautiful, but I feel so fat! I am moody, I have weird cravings. I love dill pickles and cheese! Haze said its bad for the baby, but I eat it anyways.

"Haze! I need food! Give me food!" I yelled thou the house.

"I'm coming, dill pickle and cheese. On my way." He said walking into my room. I told him I wanted my own room. He didn't like it but I got it anyways. "Thank you, hon..... Will you get me some ice cream."

"Got it." He smiled and went to get me ice cream.

'Rose, it that my baby or your mates? Are we having a baby?' A voice asked in my head.

'Who are you and why are you asking about mine and my mates baby!?!? I've only been with Haze. The is willingly. John raped me but I can't get pregnant by him, he is not my mate!' I yell in my head.

'But that is where you are wrong love. I could be the baby daddy. You will know when its born. Our baby will be so beautiful. Bye love.' And he was gone. John was just in my head.

"Haze? Love can you come here?" I yell.

"I'm getting your ice cream. I'm coming." He said walking into my room. I am worry. I am a little scared. I really don't understand how he got in my head.

"Haze, what happen to John after we came back to the kingdom?" I ask in a small voice.

"He... Um.... He was lit go.... My father said there was not need to kill a wolf that has do so little wrong." I looked at him for a minute. He let that ass go! The ass that raped me and my little sister!

"Well that is awesome, Haze. That not so harmful man was just in my fucking head. He wants our baby to be his baby. I can got pregnant by that ass hole, can't I?" I yell.

"Yes but I can tall the baby is part vampire so it has to be mine. Its going to be okay, love. Everything it going to be okay." He said and kisses my forehead.


Authors POV

Two more months went by. Rose and Haze are having their baby. Lilly and Doug are working on their hunting. They name the baby little Poppy. She looked like Rose with Haze's eyes. Poppy is loved by John. He wants her to be his baby. Rose is scared that John will try and take her beautiful baby girl. John still gets in Rose's head. He makes her think about things she wouldn't do. Now that she has Poppy she would never let her go. She loves her baby. Haze has been worried about Rose and Poppy. He is worried because Rose isn't acting like herself. His mate is scared of him. She will not let him even look at their baby.

Haze's POV

I keep looking at my baby and my mate. They are beautiful together. Rose is so scared anymore. She will not let me hold Poppy. A name I didn't even want for my baby. She is a princess and not a flower. She will need a lot of help to get where she needs to be.

Back to Rose. She is scared I'm going to hurt her or the baby. My Poppy need to have her daddy. My Rose needs her mate, but she is pushing me away. All her and Poppy do is lesson to stitches. She is really worrying me. Does she think I don't want her? Am I pushing her to this? Is it something else? Is it where John is in her head telling her stuff?

I really need to know, o want my mate back. I want my Rose back. She said one time she was my blood rose. As red as blood.

Part of me knew Rose is no right, right now. My mate is a little masses up after all that has happened. My father really massed up by let John go, because he is back and massing with my mate again.

I miss her.

I miss my Rose.

I miss the girl I knew. The one that never gave up.


Rose's POV

I'm scared. My baby is here and I don't want to lose her.

My mate can't be trusted. He could hurt her or even kill her. My lovely Poppy. That was my mothers name for our dog when I was young. I have been hearing her cry and scream in my head. Day and night. I see she I'd okay but then I hear the crying and I'm scared someone is going to hurt my little Poppy flower.

Haze wants to hold her. I will not lose my baby to my mate. I'm scared Haze is going to find a vampire and have sex with her and kill me. I don't want my mate to let me go. I really can't take that.

John talks to me about Poppy. He said he wanted his little girl and her mother with him. I told him she isn't his, but he will not give up. My Poppy doesn't need to meat him.

My life is falling down and its all do to that asshole that rapped me. He fucked everything up!

My wolf will not talk yo me and that scares me to. What if she left me? What if she's died? What if she hates me and Haze and our little Poppy? Has my wolf gave up on me? Does she know how much I need her right now? Will she ever come back?

Can I bring her back to life? I feel like I need stitches. My heart can't take the pain. Can Haze make the pain go away and stop from me needing the stitches?

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