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Roses wolf. White as snow!

The alpha is standing outside looking at us as we come closer. I can feel my wolf wanting to talk but I don't know how to let her out, or get her back in.

"Rose? The white wolf? Is it really you?" Alpha Jake said walking to me. I smiled at him and nod.

"Why do you say white wolf? I have never seen my wolf. I would like to see her though." I said still smiling. Haze looked at the Alpha and shook his head.

"I don't think I said a vampire could be on my land. But it is nice to meet the White Wolf's mate. You do know hybrid wolves are stronger than even me. That is why she is the White Wolf. I can tell by her eyes." Alpha said smiling at me and Haze.

I looked at Haze. He didn't look to happy to be here but he wouldn't leave me here.

"Thank you Alpha for helping me. I can feel her moving wanting out. And I'm scared that I can't get back to my mate." I said grabbing Haze's hand. He pulled me to him and smiled. I haven't talked to him since he yelled at me.

He smiled at me and kissed my head.

"I can say she will let you come back to your mate. She loves him just as much as you do." Alpha said with a smile.

I look and see three wolves looking at Haze. My wolf didn't like that they where looking at him.

I start getting sharp pains in my back and sides. My mouth hurts, my hair is turning white. The pain is unbelievable. I yell and Haze holds me. Alpha pulls him back. Then all the pain is gone and I'm on all four.

"Rose, love? Are you okay?" Haze looks scared for me.

Can I talk as a wolf? I try and all the comes out is a whimper.

'Rose, it's Jake. You can't talk as a wolf but you may be able to mind link to your mate. Just open your mind okay?' Alpha said.

The three wolfs start forward. They are coming at me. One stop in front of me, looks at Alpha then at Haze and back to me.

"How do I change back?" I ask hoping alpha should hear me.

"That is easy. Think of your human form." He smiled and I hear bones change and brake. I stand up and I am naked. Haze moved so I was behind him.

"Go get her some clothes." Jake said. He walked off.

Haze holds me as they bring me cloth.

They give me a blue dress and white flats.

Haze smiles at me and walks after Alpha. Know one talks to me. I'm so confused, did I do anything wrong?

After they all walked away I looked and see John standing behind me.

"Rose? I see you have met your wolf!" He smiled at me.

"Haze is coming back you need to go. I don't think I should talk to you." I said backing away.

"Oh but he will not be coming. You see wolves don't like vampires on their land. We find it very disrespectful when they come on the island. The alpha is handling Haze. He told me to deal with you." He said smiling.

"I think I should go get Haze and go home. Our home. I really don't feel to good." I said feeling sick. John pulled me to him and smiled. I feel a pain in my neck.

My body wouldn't stand up on its on. John was holding me up. I can't feel my arms or legs. But I can feel other places to well. John's hands pull my dress up and he holds onto it. He pulls it to my belly button. One of his hands slide down my belly to my hip. I can feel every time he touches me. I can't feel Haze. He wasn't here to stop this from happening.

John was holding me tight. He knew the minute I could I would be gone.

His hand on my inner thigh. His touch hurt. Pain in my body made me know this was not my mate. My mate was not here to help me or to stop what he was going to do to me. Maybe I can shift and my wolf can stop this.

I am starting to feel my hand and with feeling means freedom.

I move my hand up to his face and then everything goes dark.


Haze's POV

I walk with the alpha. He is talking about Rose and about what is going to happen to us.

He said Rose is going to change. She will want to be a wolf and if the wolf claims her then all you can do is try to mark her again and hope that she will talk you back.

I know she loves me but will she come back? I need to go get her.

"I will talk to my mate and then we will give you what you wanted." I smile. They wanted a wolf that was in my prison.

"I can't let you go to her. He said he had my mate. I can't leave without my mate. They are already gone. I hope you find the white wolf. I understand why he wants her. Very beautiful, yes?" He said looking at me. They let someone take my mate, for his.

"Why did you really want to talk to me? Was it just to get Rose alone? She is mine. My mate!" I yelled. I looked around and wolves were everywhere. They are all looking at me. I will kill them if I have to. But before I move I feel scared. Its not me its Rose. Rose is scared. He must be with her. If he touches her I will kill them all! You don't mess with a royal's mate! I feel cold and I hear crying. Is my little mate crying for me? I have to save her but before I move it goes dark.

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