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When I wake up I know I'm with John. He took me from my mate last night. If I haven't been out longer.

"Rose, baby you are up!" John said smiling. I didn't think he would kidnap me.

I look at him and he smiles again. I just want to go home. I really think John is crazy.

"Why are you doing this to me? I thought you cared bout me and would let me be happy with my mate." I yelled, and tried to get up. He chained me to the bed. I didn't have any clothes on. He is standing in his boxers.

"Rose, I did this for us. My wolf has always wanted you. He could tell you were a wolf. I know you don't see me as your mate right now, but I will be when we mate. I will mate with you tonight. No one will stop that. I have five hundred men out there. They are all here for you. I will get this. I hope you know this is for the best." He said.

I don't want to mate with anyone, not even my real mate. What is wrong with these people? Do they want everything they see? Will Haze save me from getting raped by my ex?

I don't understand why John is doing this. I just want my mate, and to be in bed with him, not John.

This is not happening.

I feel a hand on my leg. I didn't realize my eyes were closed till then. I open my eyes and see John moving my legs apart.

His hands are cold and feel wrong on my skin.



I was laying on a cold floor. I think I'm in a folding cell at the pack house. Rose is out there and she needs me.

'Chris? I need you and the guards to come get me and take the wolves down. Then we will go get Rose back!' I said in mind link.

'Yes my Prince. We are on our way. May I ask what happened to the princess?' She asked.

'The wolves took her. I need her back!' I yelled.

Rose is mine. My mate! I wonder if she can get my mind links.

'Rose?' I whisper in my head. 'Rose love are you there?'

'Haze is that you? How are you in my head?' She sounds scared.

'Yes its me! Its mind link. What is going on? Baby, who is with you?'

'John, he is here, he is trying to mate with me. I don't want to Haze! I want to go home with you!'

'We are coming, just hold him off don't let him mate with you! I will kill him!' The she was gone. Cut away by him. Stopping her from talking to me.

My little Rose will be okay, unmated, my mark, and she will be fine. I know she is scared, he will not hurt her!

"Prince Haze, let's go. We have to save your mate and our princess." Chris yelled and the door opened. ------------------

When we get off pack land I cant feel Rose anymore. I wonder if she is on pack land?

'Rose? Can you here me?' I asked.

'Haze, I don't feel good. I can't stay awake. He bit me. My head hurts, I feel sick. I need you, please help.' She said. I ask where she was but I didn't get an answer. She was gone. I feel her pain. The pain in my neck was not mine, it must be hers. My mate needs me.


Rose's POV

I was laying in a bed. I don't know who's bed but it smells really really good. Then I remember John bit me. I was talking to Haze in mind link and John bit me. I stayed awake waiting on Haze to link me again. When he did I told him John bit me and claimed me. It hurt so bad.

"Rose, baby I'm glad your up. Its time to mate" it was John's voice that said that.

I don't want to mate with him, but my wolf does. She wants him in us.

"Its not! I will not, am not mating with you! I want Haze!" I said. It hurt to say that but it was still true.

"Haze is not in the question anymore. You are my mate, says that claim on your neck. Your mine, my mate!" He growled at me. I feel the need to tell him I was his, but I wasn't, I was Haze's mate.

He moved closer to me and his touch wasn't cold anymore. It feels like Haze's did. The fire runs up my leg. It feels..... Good.

He kisses my neck and my head falls back and my hands move to his hair. I want his kisses all over me. I want him in all ways there is. He is not my mate but it feels like he is.

The door opens and I see a girl in the doorway.

"Alpha, the vampires is here and he wants your mate. Or his mate. Oh you know the girl!" She said. I smiled.

Haze came for me. He loves me and I was letting John kiss me! I'm a really bad mate!

"Okay, I need to do this fast then. Can you and your wolves hold him off? Is he alone?" John asked the girl.

"Yes we can and no he is not alone, there are about a hundred vampires with him." Then she was gone and John started kissing down my body, that still has no clothing on it.

John takes his boxers of and gets over me. He kisses me all over. I don't want him to stop. I should not be acting like this, he is not my mate. This us not good for me. My mate will reject me if I let this happen.

I start pushing at him trying to get him of me but it doesn't help. He is stronger than me. He looks happy and that makes my wolf happy. I feel him push to me. He starts to rape me. The door opens to a very mad looking Haze.

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