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Hazes pic at the top! Off of google.

Hazes POV

I know who this girl is. She was mine from the day she was born. And I have been coming to her from that day. The highest members of my family said I may never find my mate because I'm past the age of five hundred. I know, I'm old. I am 555 years old. But I only look like I'm eighteen.

"Rose come with me back to my kingdom? I want you to get to know me but I have to go back. My mother and father are ready to step down as king and queen. And my mate and I will have to step up. I want you to see what it's like to live as royalty. And I will have to change you. And you will me be allowed to come back." I said.

She was so soft. Her heart was beating loud and strong. I really don't want to stop that heart.

"Haze, I can't leave. I have to protect my family and town. I don't want to be a monster or anything, but I feel like I have to do what you say. And I can't live like that, I have to do and be what I want." She said.

"Rose I can't become what I should be without you. If I have to take you I will. You will be queen. You will be mine. Rose this is what has to happen but you can go willingly or not. Its up to you my love. Now we leave tonight and you need to cut all ties to the people here. Now go do as your told." I said. I hate having to talk to her like this but she is mine and she will come with me.

Roses POV

He just told me I had to go with him. It feels right but I'm leaving everyone I love. I need to go talk to John. He will know what to do.

"Okay, I'll go with you but I want a hunter here to work with my sister. She will have to step up till I come back. And I am coming back to help my family." I said. He smiles and hugs me.

"Go tell them, then pack. I will be here at 10:30 so you have four hours. Now go my love." He said and then he was gone.

I go down to my 'little people' as he called them.

"Lillybug, little Doug. I have to go. I love you all but I have to go. He is my mate and when you find your mate you will have to go to. But I hope your mate is a hunter. I am sending a hunter to help you for now. He will have to change me before we do anything but I will come to help you. If you hate me that much by that time kill me. I will let you. I want a call every day. I love you. I have to go talk to John now." I said hugging them. Lilly held onto me, hanging from my neck , as I stand up.

"Rosy you can leave I can't start like you did. I like school and I don't want to hunt yet. Please Rose. I'm only fourteen and I don't want to hunt." She cried. And I just hug her. I remember when mom died and I had to take over.

"I have to go Lilly. I'm sorry. But it's time. He is my mate. When you find your mate you will know why I have to go. Now I have to go talk to John." I let her go and go get in my car.

When I get to Johns house he is outside. He knew I was on my way.

I get out of the car and run to him. And I start crying. He pulls me into his arms.

"Rose are you okay? Why are you here? I was coming to get you tonight." He said. I look up to see his hazel eyes. And they just reminded me of Haze.

"I'm leaving. My mate found me. I have to go with him." I cryed even harder. Why am I crying I should be happy my mate wants me.

"Oh, Rose is that him?" I turn and see Haze standing there. He looks so hot.

"Haze what are you doing here? You said you'd pick me up at 10:30." I said moving away from John. Haze was just looking at us. His eyes are not the beautiful blue as I have seen before. No they were black.

"Rose, he's a vampire. You can't be his. Hunters go to hunters. You joking right." John said as he pulls me back against him. This was not smart. Haze starts to growl and his eyes go from black to red.

"John let me go. I need to help him. Let me go." I keep saying. Haze's eyes are calling me to him. The way he looks just says, I need you.

I push off John and get him to let go. I walk to Haze, his eyes still calling me. I know what is going to happen. He is going to make me his.

When I got to him he doesn't wait. He starts kissing down my neck. He was eyeing John and I know it. And then he bites. I feel the pain run up my neck and then it stops. It starts to feel good. I lay my head back to give him as much as he needs or wants.

John is a wolf but he doesn't hunt. He is only half, a hybrid.

I can see John's eyes start to change. The wolf in him didn't like a vampire feeding off me.

"Haze stop please. I need to go back to my house. And get my stuff please stop." I whispered. He licked my neck and then kisses me on the lips.

"I'm staying with you. Your mine and that mutt should know that by now." His eyes are going back to normal.

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