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Lilly looked at me with worried eyes. "Rosey please don't do this. I'm your sisters, your baby girl. The sister you would do anything for. I love you. I want you to come home and forget your mate. Please just let me go and come with me!" She begged. Can I really kill my sister? My baby from the day she was born! "Rose, Rose wake up little mate."

End of dream

I open my eyes and see Haze's blue ones right in my face. "Rose are you okay sweety?" He asked kissing my forehead.

"Yes..... I have a question though. Do you get dreams about hurting someone you love when you change?" I said looking at him. He nods and pulls me to him.

"Haze come on I've got two girls out here for you, if you give me the one you have." A man yelled from outside. The door flies open and a young man stood there with two girls with collars on. He looked at me and smiled.

"She will be mine whether you change her or not. So just give her to me. I'm the oldest now give her to me." The man said holding his hand out.

"This girl will be the next queen. She is my mate and not a toy for you. If anything she is my toy, love, and mate. As I am hers." Haze said picking me up and walking from the room.

He holds me as we walk into a room with a table in the middle. The table has straps on it. "Haze what is this place?" I ask as he sits me on the table. He lays me down and straps me to the table.

"Love this is so you don't kill me when I change you." He said matter-of-factly. Then he cuts his wrist and holds it to my mouth. It tasted so bad, but good at the same time.

I get cold and I want more but he pulls back. I kick and yell but he lets me lay there. The coldness is getting worse. And I think I will lose this fight any minute. And everything goes black.

Haze POV

I look at my little mate laying on the table. Her heart is slowing down and she has stopped breathing. I know any minute her heart will stop to. I really didn't want to stop her heart but it has to happen.

For one, my brother wants her for a play thing.

Secondly, she will be queen and the queen is a vampire.

Thirdly, she will be mine forever.

My brother is something that Rose will learn about as she goes. He is a half blood. I'm a royal, and Rose will be a commoner at least until she is queen.

Royals are the oldest and coldest of vampires. I am cold and I don't I love but this girl is my mate.

Her heart started to beat faster and she woke up. "Haze? Why am I still a hunter?" She asked looking around.

I didn't give her enough blood.

Roses POV

I look up to see Haze looking at me. I know I should not want to kill him but I do.

The door opens and Haze's brother walks in. "Brother, do you not know that to change a hunter, you have to make love and she has to give you everything that she can before the change can happen. But little Rose here has not given you everything she can. I know something that you may want to know about your little mate." He said looking at me.

Haze looks at me and smiles. Does he know what my mom did before she found my dad. She didn't hunt. She gave everything to the vampire kind and had a son. Haze was not my brother. I know that but could his brother be my brother?

"Haze love leave us. We need to talk. And I may need a stake please." I said with a smile so he knew everything was okay. But its not okay. Haze nods hands me a stake and leaves.

"So sister you know about your mother's past?" He said walking around me.

"And you know our mother." I said getting up.

"Yes she was very nice. To bad I had to kill her. It was nothing with you. Its just I needed to show you where I lie."

"So you killed our mother and made the next girl the hunter for home?"

"I didn't know I had a sister. I didn't know she would find her mate. And for that I am sorry."

"Sorry doesn't bring my mom back or put me back with my real family. When did you know who I was?"

"When your dad showed up. I don't want a toy. I just want my sister."

"I will never be your sister. I have a brother and I don't need you." I walk out on that. And went to Haze's room.

When I look in the room Haze and a girl were in there. She was sitting on the bed and he was sitting at the desk. "Haze, the wolf is here and he wants her. You need to change her and get started with this queen thing. I know you will take care of this problem." She said.

"I will but I need time. She will be ready in a month. But she doesn't know about the problem and she is outside the door so leave. Mother we will be down for dinner." Haze said and then opened the door.

"Rose, love, come in. I know I should have waited on you but my mother needed to talk to me." He said pulling me into is arms. I looked at him and then her. She doesn't look old enough to be his mom but that's how vampires are.

"So this girl is your mate? She has a thing. Is she human?" His mother asked.

"No. She was a hunter. Her father is the hunter that is causing the problem. He wants her home but she is staying with me. Rose, love, this is my mother, the queen, Carly. Mother this is my mate Rose.... Um... "

"My name is Rose Dawn. And its nice to meet you." I said with a smile. She smiled too and walked out.

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