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The next day
Haze's POV

I don't know what to do. My mate hates me for something I didn't even do! It was all Lora, she fucked it all up! I just want me baby and mate to come back. I miss her, them. My mate need me as much as I need her. I'm dieing to see her. She was my world. A world a hoe made all fall down. My baby Poppy is gone, my beautiful Rose is gone. My life is nothing anymore.

"Chris, get me a rope, a knife, pen, and paper. Then call Rose and tell her the kingdom is all hers. I'm done with it without her." I said softly. I knew she would hear me. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to give my mate what she wants. A world without me.

"King Haze, the. Queen said she was on her way, she has to ask you something. She said her and the princess are coming back. I don't know what happened but please don't do something stupid. Just wait to hear her out. Please." She said softly. I'm scared she will not come. She just talk me that to keep me from dieing.

When Rose gets there I am laying in our bed oh most asleep. I hear her but don't move at all. I feel her coming over to me. I'm scared what she will say.

"My mate, are you up?" She asked softly.

"Sat down, Rose. May I ask why you came back? Not that I'm not happy your back!" I say.

"I find Johns phone. He was texting Lady Lora and telling her what to do. There second chance mates. He still wanted me. Poppy is in her room. Would you like to come with me to see her? Maybe ever hold her?" She smiled.

She was going to let me see my baby. She was going to let me hold her to! She is my Rose again, the Rose I never want to let go again.

I walk yo Poppy's room with Rose behind me. I get to see my baby. The little girl that Rose and I made.

Rose pocks up Poppy and holds her out to me. My little girl in my hand.

Then is all dishapers. My Poppy is gone. My Rose is gone. I'm standing in Poppy's room alone. Lora walks in hold John's hand.

"My king. Its good to see you with pants on. Rose is going to be fine. But I don't know about that Poppy. They ran text and she is your. I don't want your baby. Rose will not remember you or her so you can have her back." John said looking at Lora then me. "And Lora you can stay here. I, John Smith rejected you, Lady Lora Ann, as my mate. Have fun." And John walks out.

Lora looks at me then cries. I cry to. He is going to hurt my baby, mate, and his mate. My life is nothing with out Rose! But I have to stay strong for my baby. I need to get my family back!


Rose's POV

I'm laying in johns bed with Poppy in my arms. I'm scared and I miss Haze. I called Chris to see how he was not good from what she said. I was thinking about going back. He is my mate and all.

"Rose baby drink this. You will feel better." He said handing me a cup. I start drinking is and I feel sleep. He picked up Poppy and walks away. Then I'm out.


When I wake up I don't know where I am or who I am. I'm setting on a bed when a man walks in with food. I love food!

"Eat love, everything is going to be okay. I made you favorite food. I have pizza, and o.j. After you eat I will tell you everything.

I eat and he took everything away. He came back and kiss me. I try to push him off but he is to strong. 'Rose? Rose baby please answer me. But do not talk just think.' A voice in my head.

'Who are you and why are you in my head! And who is Rose.' I ask in my head.

'I'm King Haze, and we are mates. That is how I'm in your head. Call out to Summer and she will tell you everything. But what you need to know is you need to get away from the man you are with. I need you to run. But get Summer first.' He said softly.

'Wait if you king and I'm your mate, does that mean I'm queen? And who is Summer?'

'Yes and hurry, we don't have much time!' Then he was gone.

'Summer? Haze told me to call you.'

'Rose, you back! We have to go! Let me take over. I'll tell you everything you need to know. Just trust me.' And I feel sleepy.


Summers POV

Rose doesn't know who she is. I'm worried john will try the same on me. I push John off of us and get up.

"Rose love, what are you doing?!? I thought I was going to tell ypu what's going on." John said holding me to him.

"I just want to go for a walk alone. To think and see if a can remember anything." I say hopping he thinks it's Rose.

"Okay, just don't go to far. There are bad people out there looking for you." He smiled.

I walk out the door and not look back. When I get outside, I shifted into my white wolf.

My paws hit the ground I know I have to run. I run to my old house and tell haze where I am. I stay in control till haze gets there. He will take care of Rose and tell me where my baby Poppy is.


Rose's POV

I'm standing outside a house and Summer told me to stay there and wait on Haze.

A car pulls up and a very HOT vampire steps out. When he wall me a smile showed itself. Summer yelled mate.

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