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Doug's POV

I walked home from school. Lilly has been staying home and I don't understand what is going on with her. I can hear her crying in Rose's old room. After Rose left Lilly has been going out with John. When she comes back she is not my sister. I think he talk her into having sex with him. She is so easy to make do want you to want. She she has to do this for Rose.

When I get home its really quiet. I walk in and go up to Rose's old room. Lilly is laying on the bed with a knife and her wrists are bleeding. Lilly tried to kill herself.

I run over to her and kiss her forehead. I go get the phone and call the doctor my dad has for us. She said she would be here in a minute. I go back to Lilly and see a note.

Rose, Doug.

I know Im a bad sister. I know you don't want me. This is the last time you see my handwriting. I love you both. I thought I should tell you. Rose they say your a hoe. They say you are a homewrecker. You stop happy. So this is it.

Love lillybug

I read it five time. I need to call Rose.

I pick up my phone and call Rose. She needs to know Lilly tried to kill herself.

"Hello? Dug? What's up?" My sister answered.

"Rose ypu need to come home. Lilly is not okay. She.... She tried to kill...... Kill herself. She needs you." I said and she didn't answer after that. I don't know if she is coming or not.


Rose's POV

Dug called and said lillybug tried to kill herself. Haze was kissing my neck wan he called. He told me she needed us. I need to come he for her.

Haze said no when I told he I was going back. We mated a day before. After hours of me pleaing to go help my sister. He said we would go. So now I am in my room where they find Lilly with a knife in one hand and cuts on the other.

I read the note she left. It hurt to know that's what people think I did when I dropped out. I didn't have a chose. I had to keep them safe and they call me a hoe.

"Rose, baby. We need to go see you sister. I know your hurt right now but you and your brother need to go see her." Haze said picking me up. "Doug is in the car we have to go."

He takes me to the car and puts me in the front seat and he drives.

When we get to her room at the hospital, she is asleep. They had her wrist wrapped up. There is blood in the air. My wolf wants to toasted the blood and I can see Haze wants to do the same.

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