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Hunter kissed me so slow. I push at him but he holds my hands down. My chest starts to hurt and my head was killing me.

Haze walks in I can feel him. I can feel the anger from him.

"Rose? What the fuck are you doing!" He yelled. "I go out long anuf to get you a new room and you kiss him out of all people!"

Hunter turned and smiles at my mate.

"Looks like your mate is just like the other girls, hmm Haze. They all know a good man when the see one." He said smiling.

"One, who the fuck do you think you are kissing me! And two Haze, who the fuck is this and why is he kissing me!?!?" I said as calm as I can.

"My queen, I'm Hunter Jones. I knew haze when we were still human. I tuck all his girlfriends. They where none as pretty as you. I kissed you, and you know you like it, because your mate needed to remember who is out there against him. That we will not sit at witch a wolf become our queen." Hunter said with a smile.

"I think you need to leave. Rose the doctor is coming to check you and Lilly out and we are all going to the kingdom. Its not safe for them or us here." Haze said softly.


The doctor said we could go home. That day we left for the kingdom. Haze keeps saying we will all be okay. That John will die for what he did to me and my sister. Mine and Lilly's wrists are still rapped. They said we can take it off in a week or two. My mate is happy my family is safe and we are all together. Dad hates me. He said he never wants to see me again. He said to stay away from my sister and brother. I told him to fuck himself. So life is okay for now.


Three mouths later

"Queen Rose, you should be inside. The king will not be happy you out here at this time." Chris said. I was out walking the grounds at night in my baby blue dress. It was floor length and very beautiful.

I was out side hopping my lover was out tonight. Hunter and I became close. Closer the Haze knew. Hunter tuck me to hunt. He knew I can't stay like this. He is not really a lover just a hunting buddy. But Haze didn't want me to hunt and I needed to. Hunter got that. I feel bad because Hunter said he loved me, but I don't love him. I love my king and mate Haze.

"Rose, are you ready?" Hunter said walking to me. "We have to go if we want to be back by morning." He smiled looking to Chris. "Mate" he whispered.

Chris did what she was told to do of anyone was near me. She jump on him. He hold her to him and kisses her neck. At the moment Haze walks out the door looking for me.

"Rose get back! I told you to stay away from Hunter! Chris take him to the holding cells!" Haze yells.

Chris looks at Haze the back at hunter. "No, I will not to that to my mate. I'm sorry my queen and king but I can't do that!" She whispered.

"Go to your room Chris's, take him with you. I got Haze. Goodnight!" I say holding onto Haze.

I kiss Haze's cheek and smile. "Haze, baby. Can we go in and talk. There is some stuff you need to know and after that I will be packing." I said softly, knowing he would hear me.

We walked into the house and up to my office. I can't stand it here any more. I was going to tell Haze I and my family where leaving. And I thought he should know before I left that I was having his baby. The baby I never wanted. The thing in me is the thing Haze asked me for, I never wanted that!

"Rose love? Are you okay? You don't look to good." He whispered. I like quite and Haze gave it to me.

"Haze I am not okay. I will never be okay again. My family and I are leaving. I don't know if I'll come back. I may after what I'm about to tell you. Haze.... We are um..... You know I'm...... We're having a baby. And I don't want it." I look down not wanting to see Haze's face. Would he be mad I don't want the baby or that I was leaving?

"They can leave if they wish. You may not. If we do have a baby and we are mates Rose. It would hurt both of us. Please stay with me, with us." He smiles at my belly. The belly that has a hunter, werewolf, and vampire hybrids in it.

This baby is going to have one massed up life. I'm scared and I want to hunt, not set here and have a baby.

"Haze, this is a hybrid. The baby will be made fun of. Three different special. Its a few things that I never want my kid to go thow. I want kids but now right now. I am happy that I'm having my mates baby but, what if I'm not a good mom or I get hurt and lose that baby? What if I get kidnapped again? What will happen to the baby if I die? What will happen to you, and my family or the baby." I whispered worrying about what will happen. This life is hard and I font want me baby to get hurt, like I did.

"If any of that happens then I will take care of our baby. It will be okay because I will be there for all of us." He said kisses my forehead. I trust what he said but I'm scared what will happen.


I'm sorry for all the bad spelling.


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