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John was looking at me. "Rosy stay with me. I need you, Lillybug needs you, little Doug needs you. Stay with us. You can't just run off with some vampire because he may be your mate. Your dad will be back in a few days. What I am going to tell him? She ran off with a prince wanna be?" John said holding his hand out.

"John please stop. Your making him out to be bad, but I can feel the good in him. He is my mate, I know it. I need you to take care of them Lillybug is not ready to hunt." I walk over to him. He pulls me to him.

"Rose I love you, I need you. You know you are my all. I can't lose you. Your dad will kill me. You were the only thing protecting me. You are mine. You have always been mine." He said. He kisses me on the lips. He is so warm. Why did he have to do this to me.

I hear Haze growl and I push at John. But he holds me to him. I love the way he feels on my lips but it doesn't feel like Haze. Haze was amazing. "Let her go, or I will kill you mutt."

John let me go. I looked between them. I move away from them. I know who I would choose. But I don't have a choice. I had to go with Haze.

When I got home Haze is in my room with my things in my bags. "We are leaving now. Go say your goodbyes, then get in my car. I'm driving." He said walking past me. I followed him out of my room.

When we get downstairs Lilly is sitting in front of the door.

"Lillybug you need to move. Now!" I said and she does, slowly, but she moved. "Go Haze I'll be out in a minute. Okay!" He walked out of the house.

Lilly looked up at me. "Rose why are you leaving us? Don't you love us anymore?" Lilly asked going to stand with Doug.

"Lillybug you can't say I don't love you. You know I love you both. But I have to go. He is my mate. You know how mom and dad were together, that's because they had their mate. I want to be happy like they were. So Lilly that is why I'm going. I love you both with all my heart but now I have to go, I will be back and then you all can say if you want me or not." I said. They looked at me a minute and then walked to their room. And I go get into Haze's car.

"Haze why do they think I don't love them?" I question as we drive. He looks at me and then back at the road.

"I don't think they think that. They just said it to get you to stay. But you are not weak. I want you to be happy but you can not come back. As soon as we get there I have to change you and make you all the way mine. And then you go into queen training. Rose this is the life you chose when you got into this car." He said looking at me again.

I feel like I'm going to be sick when he said never come back. This is my family.  And I need them!

"Haze this is my family, I will come see them. Your going to change me anyway. So why worry about my getting hurt." I said. He didn't answer. After that the ride was quiet.

When we got to his castle. Yes, it was a castle. He opened my door and got my stuff out of the car. We went up the steps and he opened the front door.

There were people standing in the room we walked into. They all looked over at Haze.  "Prince Haze we didn't know you where coming home. Lady Lora is still upset with you for leaving her again. Should I call her and tell her your home?" The women said walking up to Haze.

"No, what I want you to tell Lora is she needs to go home with her mother. I have come with my mate and Lora will no longer stay with us. Oh and Holly, I need you to set up my room for Lady Rose. She will be staying in there with me." He said to Holly.

He look at me and pulled me over to her. She looks at me and nods. "Yes your highness. Your room will be ready by bed time. And I will have lady Lora out by tonight." Holly said walking out of the room. Haze pulled me into a kiss and I kissed him back.

When I pull back I see a girl looking at us with a sad look on her face.

"Haze why didn't you tell me you were home. I was worried about you? And who is she and why was she kissing you?" She said.  It was just the three of us in the room.

"Lora I just had Holly looking for you. You are leaving tonight. I have found my mate and she will be staying here and you will not. Love this is Lora,  Rose let's get you something to eat and then I'm going to eat you." He said the last part with a smile.

As I walk past her she shows her teeth at me. I just moved closer to Haze and we walk out.

Haze was smiling when we got into the kitchen. "You know I am going to feed off you as soon as your done eating. I was not joking Rose." He said showing me his fangs.

I made a sandwich and ate really slowly. Haze was waiting on me. I didn't want to be his bag of blood. This is not what I wanted.

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