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I look at my sister laying on the hospital bed. Its been a week, they don't know if she will pull thru. She hates me. I lost my little sister.

The day I told Haze what John did he went looking for him. Haze find him and locked him up. When Lilly wakes up he will be put to death. My family will love with me. I will teach them how to hunt and then we will stay together!

"Rose, you need to sleep. You are not helping her not sleeping. Your not helping you ether. Your mate is worried and your brother hasn't gone to school all week. You need to help them. Lilly will be fine." The doctor said.

They know about us because I told them everything thinking it would help Lilly. Haze said it with stupid, I shifted and oh most ripped his thought out.

I haven't left Lilly room after I read her diary. She was put thou to much. If I just stayed and lite john do what he wanted to me she would still be my sweet little sister and not the girl who tried to kill herself.

I think of mom. Will there mom, she slept with ever man that wanted her. Dad was never home, she was lonely. The men gave her feeling of love but she knew when dad find out he would kill them. She just wanted to die. She wanted out. One night a vampire killed her. She was free.

I always wondered if she slept with my boyfriend but at that time I was 12. My boyfriend was 17. I know I was to young. I still a, well was a vergen then.

I have been thinking. My sister was raped for days. He raped me once. She didn't have a mate yet. I had Haze. I wonder what her mate will be like.

"Rose? Why are you here? Why am I here. I should be died. What happened?" Lilly's voice call me out of my thoughts.

"Lilly?" I look at her and she looks really really mad.

"Yes, I want to go home. And I want to die! I fucking hate you. My life is a mass because of you! He fucking raped me over and over because he didn't get any from you!" She yelled.

Her words mad my wolf cry out. My sister hates me.

"Lilly, you still have a mate out there for you. You don't want to die, he will love you and you need to be there for him." I said. "I know your mad right now but he well need you. I know you hate me. I don't blame you. I should never left you. I am so sorry my little sister. I love you. Please please forgive me." I was crying by then.

"Rose you know but you still did it. Your so sorry but I'm the one in the hospital. You said you love me but I was rapped by your ex. This is all your fault. Yes you are my sister and I love you. But right now you can find your mate and leave." She didn't even look at me when she said it. So cold and lost. My little sister was not Lilly any more.

I got up and left. She did not want me so I told Haze to take me home. I went to me room and layed down. Haze didn't touch me or come in the room. I did something I promised not to do after the last time I did it and oh most died. I cut into my wrist. I let the blood run onto the bed. I let the smell go throw the house. I let the knife cut over and over till I feel light headed. I witch the blood run. I hear Haze trying to get in, but I locked the doors and window. I need this. I need some peace. He was trying. I can take it anymore. I let the sleep take over.


Haze's POV

I smell blood and not just blood, the blood of my mate. I didn't think she would cut over what Lilly said to her. I love me mate. She is my everything.

I can't lose her. I go to the door and try to open it. She locked it. I push and yell for her to open up be she doesn't. Final I brake that door down she is laying in her blood, a knife on the bed. She looks peaceful. I puck her up and talk her to the hospital to the doctor.

They take her from me and put her in the same room as Lilly. They say she is okay, but I know she's not. She will never be okay. My mate was mentally scarred.

I walk in to my mates room and see her sister looking to her. She looked better the the last time I seen her. Lilly was a pretty little girl, but no where as near Rose. My mate was so sexy.

Rose was on a monitor for her heart. They said she would be fine but they had to put that on her.

Lilly looks at me and then back to Rose. "This is my fault, right? She thought I hated her? I am so sorry Prince Haze." Lilly whispered.

I looked at her. The girl has been throw a lot. I know she was like my mate but I can't help be feel I could have my mate in my arms if she hasn't opened her mouth. I know its wrong. Rose has problems and I will help with but she never cut before. My mate was good. She didn't do that. She didn't cut!

"Lilly is wasn't you. Rose has been throw a lot. She didn't leave you because she wanted to, or she wanted you to get hurt! She did it because I asked her to come with me and be queen. This is no ones fault but that ass wolf that rapped you and her!" I said trying to stay calm.


So thanks for reading. I know I'm bed at spelling.

Sorry there not edited.


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