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Haze looked at me and kissed my forehead. I moved away from him.

"What is my dad doing and what is going on?" He looks at the bed but doesn't answer.

"Haze tell me please. I need to know if I have to go." I said and then I was on the bed and I no longer had clothes on.

"Rose we are not letting our queen go. I love you and you will never get away from me!" He yelled. "If I have to I will mate you now with or without your say. I've already fed off you and that is the start but I will do this. You are not going and after we mate you will not be able to leave without me!"

I looked up at him. He had no clothes on either. Suddenly he was laying on me but holding himself up, so as not to hurt me.

"Haze, get off me. Please. You know I have never. I can't do that." I pleaded.

He smiled and kisses my neck. "Love, its going to happen and we both know it. I will be your first and last." He whispered to me.

How am I going to stop him from taking everything I had right now? The answer was, I wasn't going to, he knows I want him but I need to told on to something, something to keep to myself.

"Haze please don't do this. I will not leave or ever think of it. Just please let me go and don't do this!" I pleaded.

He smiled and was off me.

"Rose if you know its going to happen then why wait? You know I will never leave you. I am here and I'm not going anywhere." He said going to get my clothes.

He gave me shorts and a shirt. And he put on pants.

We walk into the dining room and everyone looks at us and I see a girl I knew was going to be a problem.

"Lora did I not tell you to leave?" Haze said as we took our seats. She looked at me then him.

"Your father said I was going nowhere but here. I tried to tell him you no longer needed my body but he thinks you will kill this hunter by the end of the week." She said smiling at me.

"Oh he thinks I will kill my mate? Or is that what you want. You are leaving tonight Lora. And we all know this" as he said that a man walked into the room with Carly on his arm.

"She is not leaving Haze. I told her to stay. And I want to have a word with you now. Love stay with the girls please" he said kissing Carly. And walked back out with Haze following him.

I was with a woman I thought was not going to hurt me. But if they were to try I had a knife with me at all times.

Hazes POV

I look at my dad and he looked at me. "You brought a hunter in our house? And then tell the future queen to leave?" He said looking at me.

"If Lora is the future queen then find another king. Rose is my mate and the rightful queen. I want Lora gone before she tries anything on Rose. My mate and I will take over for you and mother." I turn but this was not over.

"She will leave or I will kill her myself and you will be going with her Haze. I am telling you this as your king and not your dad. Now get her out of my dinning room before I dine on her." He said walking into the room again...

I went and got Rose and we went back to our room.

"Rose baby I have to mark you and make you mine or we have to leave and then I have to leave you." I said looking at her as we sit in the bed. "I love you and will not let him take you away from me." I took her and hugged her to me. My little mate was not going anywhere!

Unknown POV

She will be mine. The little mate of that man. I watched her grow up and become the hunter she had to be. Now I will use her sister to get her back. Hunter or not that girl will not be mate to that vampire. She is my real mate. I know I sound crazy but she doesn't belong with that vampire. No she belongs in my pack. She is not just hunter but half werewolf. She is my mate and her wolf will see that soon. But the little sister first.

My love will come to me but she needs to know where it is she belongs. Lillybug its time to go see your sister." I said walking out of their house. Rose said I could stay with them any time. That's before she got stupid.

"Coming. How long will it take?" She said looking at me. She has Rose's eyes. My love will see she is mine! Those eyes will beg me to love her!

"Not long Lilly. But when we get there do not talk to anyone or touch anything." I smiled and she smiles back.

We walked to the car and she got in the back. Her brother is at school so I don't have to worry about him. He told her no but she trusts me. This is going to be so easy to get Rose back. She is mine and will always be mine.

We get to the woods and Lilly looks scared. Time to start my plan. I hope Rose knows I'm doing this for her. She is all I have. My mate has died and I can't live without a mate. I will have Rose and she will have my pups. Or should I say our pups! My love I'm coming!

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