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John's POV

Getting in Rose's head wasn't to hard. She thinks she can leave me and go to that mate that is fucking a Lady Lora. Rose thinks her being scared is from me. No, its that bloodsucking asshole.

I love Rose, I would never try to hurt her again. I want to make her having a bad mate okay. I'm going to help her and our baby.

I'm going to her "home" tonight. I'm going to show Rose her really mate. The man that is fucking someone else. I have about ten minutes before I get there.

When I get to my loves lovely home, I find Poppy's room. I know Rose will be in there.

Buzzz.... Buzzz.... My phone went off.

'Is it time to go fuck Haze then come home?' Lora texts.

'Yes but your not coming home with us. Three is perfect for my car' I wrote.

'Okay, I'll stay and fuck him a lot. She will not be able to stop me, bye my loving mate' she wrote back .

Yes she, that bitch, is my mate. But back to the plane.

I walk up to ththrowindow. It was open and Poppy was in her bed. I hear Rose crying. I go in the window pick up my baby and go to find Rose.

"Rose baby. Come find me and Poppy." I whisper. She walks in the room.

"Give me my baby, John." She said softly.

"First, I want to show you something. Something you should know. But we have to find your mate first." And with that I walk to where Lora said she would be. I'm the kings room.

We walk up to the door and I hear moaning, the sounds of sex. "Open the door little flower. Then tell me if you want to come with me or not." I smiled.


Rose's POV

I opened the door like John said too. I look at our bed and I see Haze with a girl saying his name and moaning out for him. But its not any girl! Its the hoe Lora!

"You fucking asshole! You better think this hoe is what you want! I'm so fucking done. Is this why you leave in the night!?! How long have you been fucking her? You know what I done care! I'm leaving and Poppy is coming with me. I'm going home, I will be hunting so if you show your face I will cut it off! Go fuck her some more!" I look at John. "Get Poppy's stuff and I'll get mine. Then we leave." I walk to the dresser and got my stuff, I tho Haze some shorts and walk away.

"Rose, baby, please don't do this. Poppy needs her daddy and you need me. We are mates! I love you she means nothing to me! I didn't even want to. She pushed herself on me." He yelled after me. When he grabbed my arm I tern and say the one thing I can think of.

"I, Rose Dawn, reject you, Haze King the Prince of the supernatural, as my mate. This is the last time I want to see you!" And with that I run to john and Poppy. Haze fallows behind me.

"You don't mean the Rose. I love you and only you please baby." Haze grabbed me again and pulled to him. I looked in his eyes and I see the hurt I feel. He leans in to kiss me and I kiss him back. The fire never left even after I said those words of hurt. I loved my mate, but this really hurt me.

"I have to go. Lilly will be over to get my stuff. Haze have fun with you hoe. You said you love me but you was in OUR bed with her. That was our bed, have you forgot how much the bed means to us? We got Poppy from that bed. Haze how could you do this to me? To us!?!?" I cried. John pulled me to him and kisses my forehead. I cried the way to his house back in my home town. The town I left for Haze. For my mate, the mate the cheated on me.

"Baby girl, we got Poppy and you got me. I can get you whatever you need. It will be okay." John said sweetly

My princess don't need to know about this, know one does.


Haze's POV

I am laying on the Ned when Lora comes in. She has not clothes on. "Haze, baby, will you make me feel good?" She said walking over to Rose and i's bed.

"Lora I have a mate, you need to leave!" I said trying to stay calm. But the next thing I know she is kissing me and I am in her. She moans my name and the Rose comes in.

"You fucking asshole! You better think this hoe is what you want! I'm so fucking done. Is this why you leave in the night!?! How long have you been fucking her? You know what I done care! I'm leaving and Poppy is coming with me. I'm going home, I will be hunting so if you show your face I will cut it off! Go fuck her some more!" She yells to me. This looks bad, really really bad! "Get Poppy's stuff and I'll get mine. Then we leave."

She walks over to the dresser and pulls out her stuff. She throw shorts and me. I can see the hurt in her eyes. She ran down the hall. When I grad her arm she said the one thing the that broke me.

"I, Rose Dawn, reject you, Haze King the Prince of the supernatural, as my mate. This is the last time I want to see you." She yelled. I broke right there I didn't know what to do. She run off again. I fallowed right behind her.

"You don't mean that Rose. I love you and you only, please baby." I grabbed her and did the one thing I could think of, I kissed her and she kisses back.

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