Chapter 2- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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   Currently I'm getting ready for my first day of school.. I just did my hair in a messy bun did a natural makeup look (outfit above) As soon as I was ready I just grabed my bag and went down to eat some breakfast but I noticed it was filled with the crazy boys I call brothers and my two older sisters. I totally  forgot to mention I have 5 older brothers and 2 older sisters i'm the youngest out of all of them.. Their names are Edward, Emmet, Toby, James and Conner my two sisters are Leila and Tiffany. Their all very protective of me even though I've had 3 years of boxing class they think that isn't enough incase of an emergency..
"Good morning Jess." Said my oldest brother Emmet with a smile on his face. "How did you sleep last night? You look a bit tired." He said a bit worried.
"Good morning guys!" I said smiling."I'm fine Emmet a bit nervous for my first day at a new school but other than that I'm doing fine." I said.
"You better be." Said my sister Leila excitedly she has always been the girl to be excited to try new things.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes teasingly and stuck out my tongue. I laughed at her hurt expression.
"Common lets go guys I don't want to be late on my first day of school!" I yelled getting irritated I didn't even get my breakfast because of them.
"Calm down Jess you'll end up getting grey hairs pretty soon if you don't stop worrying." Toby my other brother said laughing. I glared at him. "Ok fine lets go she's right we don't want to be late on our first day of school." He said serious this time.

Once we got in the car none of us spoke when we pulled up to our new school I new right away that I would get lost put oh wells once we got out of the car my brothers and two sisters wondered around I don't even know where they went, that left me alone.. I made my way to the front of the school and I noticed a group of handsome guys there were around 12 guys in that group I'm assuming that they're  the cool kids. On the right of them there were a group of girls that were barley wearing cloths Ewww I had to get that image out of my head. As I made my way through the hall looking for the main office I noticed a really familiar girl standing by what I assume was her locker once she turned around I noticed that it was Sarah the girl I met on the plane when she saw me she jumped and came up to me.

     "Oh my gosh Jess I didn't know you would come to this school." She said happily.

    I smiled at her and said. "Well yeah, I thought I wouldn't see you again after we met on the plane."

     "Oh well I've lived here in Miami for almost 3 years now, I was in California for my aunts wedding so yeah.. Do you need help with anything?" She said.

     "Yes actually I was looking for the main office to get my schedule can you help me find it?" I asked shyly.

     "Of course lets go." She said leading the way.
       Once we got to the office she waited for me outside while I got my schedule while walking inside I saw the cutest guy with light brown spiked hair and beautiful hazel eyes if I wasn't mature enough I would have drooled on the spot. When I saw his face more clearly I noticed that he was glaring at the lady behind the counter when the lady noticed me she smiled and as soon as she did the guy whipped his head in my direction, I just stood there awkwardly while he stared at me up and down once he saw me get uncomfortable he just gave the lady a last cold glare and walked right past me. I walked up to the counter...
"Hello my name is Jess and I came to pickup my schedule I'm new here." I said feeling awkward.
"Of course sweety what's your full name." She asked.
"It's Jessica Cullen." I said back at her.
"Oh right, ok here you go sweety have a good day and if you have any trouble just come back here and we'll help you out." She said while handing me my schedule.
"Thank you." I said while walking out.

"Let me see your schedule!!" Sarah yelled in my ear making me jump, I didn't even have time to respond because she was snatching the paper out of my hands..
Period 1- physical science
Period 2- algebra 2
Period 3- English
Period 4- Gym/dance class
Period 5- History
Period 6- study hall
Period 7- geometry

"Oh my gosh we have period 2,3,5 and 6 together luckily those are the periods today I'll show you where they are just follow me." She said happily.
I smiled at her and nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I caught the same guy from the office with a group of other boys looking at us.

(Grayson's P.O.V.)
      I was in the office asking aunt Clarity to change my schedule when she denied I just glared at her, doesn't she know I'm the gangleaders son I could get her killed with the snap of my finger but I won't do that not yet I kept on glaring at her for another minute. She suddenly smiled behind be and that got me even angrier when I looked back a saw a short girl with a messy bun perfectly on her head she had the cutest eyes I had ever seen.. What am I saying I don't even know the girl I haven't even seen her around here before. When I caught myself staring I turned around and glared one last time at Clarity before walking out the door.
       "Hey dude." Said my best friend jack. "Why do you look so flustered? No way did a girl finally deny the oh so mighty Grayson?!" He said laughing. I hit him on the shoulder before saying.
     "No man none of that its just Clarity gets on my nerves sometimes I mean yeah she might be my dads girlfriend but common she has no right in acting like a mom to me dude." I said at the thought of her replacing mom it made me so angry that I had to push the Locker besides me. Jack didn't dare come near me he knew that when I was like this he should stay away. When I looked up I saw the same girl that I saw in the office she was talking to Sarah, why the hell was she with Sarah out of all people she's basically the schools nerd so why bother... I saw the rest of my crew come over they started a random conversation that I wasn't even paying attention to because I was looking at that girl who was she? And why was she here? I had to turn around because her head turned towards my way. I didn't know how I was going to do it but I need to find out more about that girl I need to investigate her name and I know exactly who has the answer to that... Clarity....

   (Authors note)
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