Chapter 17- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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Everything seemed to go in slow motion I got out of the car and ran over to him, before i got to him someone held me back.
"Let me go!" I yelled, i looked to see that it was Ashley holding me back, I looked back at Grayson and saw someone pointing a gun at his head, i was about hit Ashley in the stomach in order to run towards Grayson... But there was another gun shot and the guy pointing the gun at Grayson fell to the ground dead.. I looked over to see Derek holding the gun that had been used to kill the guy.
Ashley let me go and i ran over to Grayson turning him so that he was facing me. "Grayson!" I yelled checking his pulse finding it immediately. ." Please wake up."
Blake was trying to calm Virginia down while Derek and Ashley were looking at me worriedly.
"I'm ok." I heard Grayson say faintly, I looked down at him and i saw that he was trying to sit up. "Bulletproof vest, the impact knocked me down."
"You scared the crap out of me!" I said when I realized he was alright, I pulled him into a hug still shaking because of the thought of him being dead..
"I'm okay, at least now I truly know that you do care." He said smiling lightly.
"Of course i care." I said caressing his cheek.
"This might definitely not be the most romantic or appropriate place to ask this." He said chuckling. "But I need to ask you.. Jessica will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Grayson i will be your girlfriend." I said smiling at him and kissing his cheek. "Now common and get up, we don't want their back up to show up."
"You're right." He said standing up and holding my hand. "And umm thanks for saving my life." He said looking at Derek and scratching the back of his neck.
"No problem, I don't have anything against you so I wasn't just gonna let a random gang kill you." Derek said truthfully.
"Wait so you don't know who this people are?" Blake asked.
"I have no idea." Derek said shrugging.
"Let's go to Starbucks or something and you guys can talk about this there." I suggested not really wanting to be surrounded by dead people.
"Yeah let's go." the guys said heading over to their car, Grayson opened the door for me letting me get in then he made his way over to the drivers seat and drove off to Starbucks. When we got there the girls and i sat at another table with our drinks while the boys talked about their business at a different table.
"You really care about him don't you?" Ashley asked me.
"Yes I do." I said smiling and glancing at Grayson.
"I could tell, by the way you looked at him when he was on the ground there was so much worry in your eyes and when you saw he was ok your face lit up. And when he asked you to be his girlfriend there was so much love in your eyes." She said smiling.
"I wouldn't say it's love yet." I said blushing and looking out the window.
"That was the scariest thing i have gone through." Virginia said looking at her hands.
"I'm pretty sure we'll see worst stuff." I said to Virginia knowing that being in a gang would be so much worst than what we experienced today.
"True." She said, we stayed silent for a while.
I took out my phone out of my purse and noticed i had a missed call, i excused myself from the table and went over to a quieter place to call back.
"Hello." A deep voice answered,
"Umm I got a call from this number." I said.
"You must be Jessica." The voice said.
"Yes Iam, now if you can please tell me what you needed." I said trying to be polite.
"Check your messages." Was all the voice said before hanging up.
I looked around and saw that Ashley and Virginia were talking and the boys seemed to be getting along, I clicked on my message app and noticed i had a new message from an unknown number I clicked on the message and noticed it was a video, i was getting a bad feeling about this but I clicked on the video anyways..
The video started playing and it seemed to be filmed in a warehouse all of a sudden Toby (one of her brothers) came into view he was sitting down in a chair and he was tied down, my heart started raising and then a man wearing a black ski mask appeared and started walking towards him amd he started struggling and shaking his head, the guy threw a punch at Tobys face which caused me to gasp he punched him over and over until he had stopped struggling to get out, the guy smirked towards the camera and took out a knife from his back pocket and walked back over to Toby, the video seemed to be on mute.. The guy turned back to look at the camera before stabbing the knife into Tobys stomach a painful scream came from the video causing me to scream along with him.. "NOOO!!" I yelled over and over as tears ran down my cheeks. At the sound of the screams the boys and the girls attention was all on me, i was shaking and I couldn't stop crying, Grayson got out of his seat and ran over to me pulling me into a hug.
"It's okay." He said softly rubbing my back, the others made their way over to us and looked at me worried.
"They killed him." I said sobbing.
"Who Jess, who did they kill?" Virginia asked softly as Grayson pulled away.
"They killed my brother, they killed toby." I said crying hard. "And it's all because of me, if it wasn't because of whatever my biological parents Did they wouldn't be in this mess none of us would."
"Don't you dare blame yourself." Ashley said. "There is nothing you could have done to prevent what was coming, whatever your biological parents did is in the past and whatever they did it isn't your fault because you are barely finding out the discusting things that happened in the past."
"She's right Jess, you can't blame yourself." Virginia said softly.
"Right because you girls saying this is going to bring back Sarah, my sister and Toby nothing will bring them back to me they were always there and you girls are too but they were family and I won't ever see them again I won't ever see them laugh or make jokes to make me feel better and it's all because of the humans that brought me to this earth!" I said sliding down a wall.
"I'll handle this." Grayson said taking a seat next to me. "Jessica look at me." He said grabbing my chin lightly and making me face him. "We're going to find whoever is making you and your family suffer and we're going to make them pay."
"What if we don't find them." I said sniffling.
"Babe, I swear on my Life that we will and when we do their dead." Grayson said with determination in his voice. "Now let's head over to your house so you can change into something more comfortable and then we'll head to the meeting." He whispered.
"Okay." I said wiping my tears and standing up.
"My dad is going to get you and Virginia a trainer so that you girls will know many ways to protest yourselves." He said looking at me with worry like if I was about to break at any moment.
"Okay, don't look at me like that." I whispered. "I'm okay." I lied. We walked out to the car and i was about to get in when i was pulled into Graysons arms.
"You're not okay Jess and it's okay." He said holding me tight. "Let it out." As soon as he said those words I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and I broke down, he whispered soothing things into my ear until I managed to calm dowta bit.
"We can go." I said giving him a weak smile.
"Alright let's go." He whispered opening the car door for me, the others had already left wanting to give Grayson and I alone time. Grayson got in and he drove off to my house. "We're here." I heard someone whisper softly I opened my eyes I hadn't even realized i had fallen asleep.
I stepped out of the car and walked into the house with Grayson by my side, Blake and Virginia were sitting on the couch watching TV I looked at the time and noticed it was 11 pm. "I'm going to go change." I told Grayson before walking up to my room and picking a comfortable outfit for the meeting. When i had removed my makeup and put my hair into a ponytail I headed downstairs.

When i made it downstairs all heads turned to look at me with looks full of pity and worry

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When i made it downstairs all heads turned to look at me with looks full of pity and worry. "Stop looking at me like that i hate it when people have pity for me." I said and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water.
When I walked back into the living room the guys were in different clothes which looked more comfortable than the suits they were wearing.. "Let's head out." Grayson said wrapping his hand around my waist. We all got in the car and headed to the warehouse, when we walked in Grayson had his arms around me and he was glaring at any guy that would look my way, I would just roll my eyes at his childishness.
"Alright now that we're all here." Graysons dad spoke which i had learned that his name was Clark. "I will be announcing the person that will be training Virginia and Jessica our newest members."
"Who will it be?" Grayson asked looking upset that it wouldn't be him or Blake training us.
"It's our number one best fighter." Clark said. "Nate come out and say hi to the girls."
I noticed that both Grayson and Blake rolled their eyes at the mention of Nate.
"Hello ladies." A tall guy with black hair and toned arms said to Virginia and I. "My name is Nate."
"Nice to meet you Nate." Virginia said obviously checking him out not really caring that Blake was righ behind her.
"Nice to meet you." I said giving him a small smile, I felt Graysons hold me tighter I squeezed his hand trying to reassure him and let him know he didn't have to worry, Nate just nodded and walked away, the rest of the meeting consisted of both Blake and Grayson glaring daggers at Nates direction, and Nate just smirking at them.
"I'm over this little let's see who can kill who first with their glare." I said rolling my eyes.
"Why are you guys even doing that?" Virginia asked clearly annoyed at it aswell.
"Umm I don't want to talk about it." Grayson said looking away from Nate and down at me.
"Okay." I said leaning back against him. "What time is this over?" I whispered so only he could hear.
"It's 1:40 am so at around 2:30 am." He said kissing my temple.
I groaned at that, thankfully tomorrow was Saturday and we didn't have to go to school. The rest of the meeting consisted of planning attacks on other gangs and stuff like that.
"Ok.. You're all free to go!" Clark yelled dismissing us.
Grayson walked up to his dad along with Blake and they had a short conversation before they came back over to us.
"You ready to go?" Grayson asked me probably seeing how exhausted and drained of all energy i was.
"Definitely." I said holding back a yawn.
"Common then lets go." He said grabbing my hand and walking out towards his car Blake had left his car at my place so they got in aswell.
When we arrived I invited them in not wanting to be rude, I walked up to my room with Grayson following behind me. "I think I should go." He said about to walk out.
"Please stay." I said barely above a whisper.
"Ok only if you want to, I'll sleep on the floor do you have any blankets." He said.
"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the floor." I said. "Get comfy on the bed I'll be right back."
I said walking into the bathroom and doing my business, when I walked out i saw Grayson laying under the covers I took off my shoes and my flannel and walked over to the bed Virginia and Blake were staying in the guest room.... I got under the covers and i was about to fall asleep when I felt Grayson pull me closer to him .... That's when i fell into a deep sleep where my demons rised and made me have a restless night......
Not edited!
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