Chapter 4- Falling for the gangleaders son

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  When I woke up this morning I remembered everything that happens last night the text, my brother yelling at me but mostly the text,last night I woke up at 2am and thought a bit about the text and I came to a conclusion and I think it was my brothers who send that text to try and scare me for going out without their permision but they need to understand I'm no longer a little girl..
  I got out of my bed and headed straight to the bathroom to wash my face brush my teeth and curl my hair. Once I was done with that I went back into my room to pick my outfit for the day and I decided on light blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that says Hipsta please and a pair of black vans and for my makeup I just put on two coats of mascara and a pink lip gloss after I was dressed and ready to go I went down stairs to find my brother having breakfast I was beyond pissed at the joke they pulled on me last night who the heck does that,ima give them a piece of my mind they're  the only ones that have my number no one else could have done it so it had to be them....
I stormed up to them and started yelling." You guys think it's so funny sending me texts at night saying I'm watching you from an unknown number just to try and scare me but guess what it's not working I can't believe you would do that isn't it enough that you treat me like a child and know your also trying to scare me with stupid messages!!!!" They all looked at me confused.
     "Woah sis we didn't do any of what your talking about so why don't you hold your horses before you point fingers." Said my brother Toby.
      "Don't play stupid guys I know you guys did it and it's not working..." I said starting to get irritated with them denying it..
       "You know what jess believe whatever you want to believe but we didn't do anything.." Conner said now upset at me... I rolled my eyes at all of them and started walking out the door I went to the garage so that I could drive my motercycle (pic above) to school because I don't want to be in a car with all of those liers.. I got on my bike and drove of it has been a while since I've driven my bike and I love the wind hitting my face once I got to school all eyes were on me I don't know why I mean if it's because of my bike then that would be wierd I mean every girl has her crazy side and fighting and driving my bike is my crazy/wild side... Once I walked inside and I went to my locker there was a note stuck on it no wonder every one was staring at me the note read...
  You probably wonder who Iam but I can't tell you that just yet I'm letting you know now bad things will start to happen to you and your family, you aren't someone I want to see, you should ask your parents why this is happening they'll have the answer they might not give it to you but they have the answer... Just letting you know this is only the beginning.....

      I looked around worried that someone had seen the note but as I looked around so many people looked at me with pity in their eyes I saw Sarah walking up to me.
       "Jess are you ok? Why is every one looking at you?... You look pale as a ghost jess I think you need to go home." She said looking really worried.
      "Sarah do you have any ideas of who might have put this on my locker." I said handing her the note as she read it her eyes widened..
      "Jess this isn't good. I recognize this handwriting it start happening a while back to a girl that came to this school who ever wrote that not is part of the Black Angels gang it's one of the worst gangs here in Miami." She said not meeting my gaze..
     "Sarah what happened to the girl?" I asked her feeling the need to hold onto something.
      "Jess the girl was found dead a month or two after she started getting the notes they never stopped after she got the first one." She said starting to panic. "The worst part is that they found her puppy dead and that was one of the most important things to her after her puppy they found one of her really close friends and then a few weeks after they found her friend dead they found her in the same spot."
      I just looked at her with my eyes wide I didn't know what to I was lost for words I couldn't speak I was to socked after I came back to my senses was when the bell rang for first period I didn't bother looking at anyone not even Sarah I just ran straight out of the school right when I was about to reach the doors I bumped into something correction it was into someone really right now why now out of all times did I bump into Grayson. I looked at him he just gave me a cold  stare before I mumbled a quick sorry and ran out the door to my bike and drove I drove until I was back at home as soon as I stepped inside I locked all the doors and went running straight to my room feeling dizzy as soon as I walked in I let out a scream of fright why is this happening to me? Why me? What did I ever due to deserve this? I asked my self so many questions and I wished that I had the answer to them.. I need to talk to my parents what does it mean that my parents know what's going on how would they know.. The only think I knew was that this wasn't a joke... I just Layed in my bed feeling nervous I locked the door to my room and Layed back down I don't know how it happened but I managed to fall asleep.....

               (Grayson's p.o.v)

       When I arrived at school in my red Ferrari I noticed a big crowd surrounding one of the lockers all I knew was that there was someone in the middle but I didn't really care I mean I'm not supposed to care that's why I'm known as the Cool bad boy in this school.. When I got out of the car I went straight up to jack to ask what going on.. And no of course I don't care I'm just curious. "Yo jack what's going on over there?" I asked pointing to the crowd.
      "Oh nothing bro there was a note on the new girls locker, Jess I think that's her name it said something about not joking and things like that I didn't really pay attention all I know that it's by someone in your dads gang." He said not really seeming like he cared.
      I just looked at him lost in thought  why would they do that to jess she seemed so sweet and she's just so short and adorable... Oh my gosh what am I saying why am I thinking like this I barley know her... Whatever as I was thinking the bell rang I started making my way through the crowd when someone bumped into me I was about to scream in their face but as soon as I saw who it was I decided not to but I still gave Jess a cold stare she looked back at me and quickly mumbled a quick sorry she started running again and she got on a motorcycle I thought it was pretty cool for a girl to ride a bike but I mean oh wells that doesn't really matter right now.. She looked really upset so I decided to fallow her when she finally came to a stop I saw that it was a house she took out some keys and went inside I'm assuming that this is her house... Once she got inside I waited for about an hour debating wether I should knock on the door or no but finally I had the currage to do it I knocked once and no answer I wonder if she's ok I knocked a second time and I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door.....

Back to Jess's p.o.v
       After an hour or so of sleeping I heard a soft knock on the door I stood up slowly the second time I heard the knock it was a little bit louder so I made my way down stairs when I came face to face with the door I turned the knob and standig there was.


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