Epilogue- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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    6 months have passed since the incident at the infamous event, but that has only brought all of us closer.
   Although Blake and Adrian were ignoring each other for the longest time, Virginia and I found a way for them to realize that whatever they were going through was useless because although what Blake had done may not have been the smartest decision. Virginia and all of us were okay which is all that mattered.
   For Christmas Adrian invited my brothers and sister to our house and that was an absolutely wonderful surprise. As well as for my birthday turning 19 sure was a rollercoaster but i loved every bit of it. We got to catch up and talked about life like the old times. I really missed all of that. Cameron was officially a part of the gang and he swore that if Adrian were to hurt me that he did not care if he was second in comand or not but he would "kill him".  As for Katrina, Virginia and Blake still kept in touch with her. Adrian did not allow her to come anywhere near the premises, which i have to admit he was over exaggerating. 
    Matthew and Ashley were expecting a baby boy and although Adrian almost ripped Matthews head off when he first found out he was more than happy to be an uncle. As was I, we needed a bundle of joy in our lives after all that we've all been through.
   "Hey what are you thinking about?" Adrian said sitting next to me and giving me  a kiss on the cheek. We were currently having a barbecue at our house. Just a small family get together. Matthew and Ashley werw sitting next to the fire and she looked so adorable with her baby bump.
   "Just how amazing these last few months have been." I said, smiling up at him. I was so lucky, yes i did complain a lot and my life had a huge spin. But i wouldn't change it for anything else in the world.
   "Hey love birds, come gather round." Cameron yelled as he popped a beer open and sat by the fire. We smiled at eachother and made our way over. I looked around at my new found family and i couldn't have been more thankful that Adrians mom actually insisted so much in finding me. I would have loved to meet that women.
   Never in my life did i think i would end up with a soon to be gangleader, but I'm glad i did. This just proves to me that love is meant for everyone in the world no matter who they fall in love with...

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  So that wraps up the story Falling For The Gangleaders Son.  I really hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it, although it may not have gone the way i would have liked for it to go and it was all over the place at times. I really do hope you all enjoyed reading it. Thank you all so much for reading it, i really do appreciate it!❤
   If you guys would like a part two to the story, please let me know and i will try my best to create a part two.

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