Chapter 26- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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Great i was once again going to be left in the dark. I was meant to a part of this gang, and if it was not for my real parents getting me into this I would not even be here. I wanted to help and if the only way i am going to feel like i'm useful around here, i'll have to break the number one rule and help Blake get Virginia back.
With this being said i walked to Blake's room and knocked at his door. "What!?" he yelled from the other side.
"Can we talk?" i said standing mere inches away from the door, he swung the door open and gave me a questioning look.
"What's wrong, i thought you were supposed to be going out with Adrian." he said looking around me.
"Well he ditched me, for some business he had to fix." i said rolling my eyes. "I want in on the plan on how we're going to get Virginia back. And i will not be taking a no as an answer." he stared at me as if i was crazy, i walked past him and into his room. It was neatly organized which i was surprised about since last time i came in here there was furniture thrown all over the place.
"Are you crazy! Do you know what Adrian would do if he found out you were in on this." he said with wide eyes. "He's already against me trying to get her back because it's to dangerous. Imagine if you were put in that situation how angry he would be at all of us."
"Why does he even care what happens to me." i said looking at him, he just shook his head at me. "If anything happens at least we are going to have her back and safe."
"Trust me he cares more than you think." Blake said. "And okay you're in, but you better not let any of this slip to Adrian, or trust me we'll both end up in a coffin."
I smiled like an idiot not even noticing that Adrian caring could even give me any joy. "Alright let's do this what's the plan?" I asked.
"We're not discussing this right now." He said. "Especially not when Ashley is eavesdropping, and she thinks i don't see her."
"You have no idea what you just did Aless." She said coming into view. "Not only will you be saving your best friend but also releasing the devil himself."
I watched as she walked away, confusion evident on my face. I looked at Blake only to see him already looking at me. "Don't listen to her, she's used to following orders."
"Okay, well I'm gonna go now." I said, walking out of his room and heading towards mine. It's become a routine to stay in my room for the majority of my time since I've been here, I mean at least thats what happens. Work, train and go to my room.

Ashley's P.O.V

There is only one way to make sure Alessandra doesn't get herself killed and that would be to tell Adrian a little lie, anyone that sees her could tell she cared for him and knowing my brother i know he cares for her too. With that in mind i made my way to find him, i walked out to the garden to find hin talking to one of the guards.
"Adrian can i talk to you?" I said walking up to him and ignoring the guard.
"Ashley can't you see I'm busy." He said rolling his eyes.
"Well it has to do with Jess." I said getting his attention, he shot me a glare because no one else knew her real name aside from us and dad.
"You are dismissed, we'll continue this conversation later." He said to David the guard he was with. He walked away and Adrian turned to look at me. "What about her?"
"So now you pay attention." I said chucking. "Anyway she may or may not have a small crush on you."
"Stop talking nonsense Ash, the girl hates me with a passion." He said crossing his arms.
"You know what they say big bro, hate is just one step to love." I said smirking which caused him to go into deep thought.
"And why should i care." He said shaking his head, but i could see right through him. I could tell the minute mom started getting us involved in finding her that he slowly began to care.
"Common Adrian, don't tell me you don't think she's pretty and when she gets stubborn you find her attractive." I said rasing my eyebrow as i knew how he obviously felt. "Besides wouldn't you like to finally call her your girlfriend, i mean unless other guys in our gang looking at her doesn't bother you."
"Ashley enough. I don't have time for silly games and relationships, being second in command is not a joke. Anyone that i show affection towards ends up getting hurt." He said. Looking in the distance.
"You see, you do care. And at one point you have to admit those feelings. You can't keep hiding it." I said, staring at him. He's to hard on himself sometimes and although he has hurt me i never want to see him suffer. "Adrian, you deserve happiness! I've seen you go through enough, just go in there and admit your feelings for her. She thinks i don't notice but anyone can tell the way she looks at you is with pure admiration. Although you've hurt her she seems to slowly have put it in the past. Don't be stubborn, just talk to her."
"Ashley like i said i don't have time for this." He said with a blank expression and walked away, you see that's the problem with him. He's to stubborn to realize what's best for him.

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now