Adrian Delgado

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     My name is Adrian Delgado I'm 20 years old

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     My name is Adrian Delgado I'm 20 years old...
  I'm pretty sure most of you don't/won't like me after all I did kill my half brother, but I assure you I had a really good reason to do so.
   As you all know my father is one of the strongest gang leaders in the world and I happen to be his second in command so if anything goes wrong I will automatically become the leader.
  This might be really weird for all or at least most of you but I'm in love with Jessica Marie Cullen or as they call her now Alessandra Blackwood, but I won't admit it to anyone else but you.. but that's a whole other story and I'll tell you about it later.
  For now you know the main things about me not that you guys might really care after what I did but hopefully you'll stick around to get to know me..
   Oh, I almost forgot yes I do feel pain for killing my half brother but I did what had to be done. My family is messed up and I can't help what happened in my past and what's happening now in my future... there's a lot about me that you don't know and there's so many secrets that I've been keeping to myself and only few people know about...
  Well that's it for now.......

So what do y'all think of Adrian?

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