Chapter 19- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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        I felt something... more like someone shaking me slightly. "Jess." I heard a raspy male voice say, I ignored the voice stirring and turning away." Jess common we're here!" The same voice said again.
     "No! Leave me alone." I mumbled still half asleep.
   "If you don't get up right now I'm gonna tickle you and you know I won't stop." The voice which I now realized was Grayson said.
    "Don't even try it or you'll end up eating your own penis!" I said suddenly fully awake and aware of my surroundings, we were currently in the middle of nowhere and we were parked right outside of a really creepy and old looking motel.
    "Well I needed you to wake up somehow." He said, I made eye contact with him and noticed his eyes were slightly red and puffy.. has he been crying? It's probably my fault if he has.. I got out of the car and stood in front of him laying my hand against his jaw I felt him tense at my touch.
   "Are you okay?" I asked softly not trying to get him even more upset..
   "Yeah I'm just tired." He answered back with no emotion in his voice. I sighed immediately knowing that he was still mad at me for what I had said before. I started tearing up as all the events that have happened in the last couple of weeks came rushing at me like a truck.
   "You know I have no idea why everything that is happening to me is happening, but I somehow feel like I deserve everything that's happening." I said sadly.
   "Why do you say that." He asked with a small frown taking over his features.
   "I say it because when I was younger I thought that the world revolved around me and I never actually thought of the people out there suffering and needing a home.. and while I had basically everything anyone could ask for I was still so ungrateful and a big brat to people." I said avoiding eye contact.
   "Jess common in the real world many teens think that way because they have now idea how the world works and how society is nowadays." He said trying to get me to look at him.
   "Grayson." I mumbled looking into his eyes.. He hummed signaling for me to go on. "I feel like since I'm supposed to leave my past behind that you shouldn't be part of my future."
   "What are you trying to say." He looked at me confused.
    "I know this is such a bad move after all you've done to help Virginia and myself but I guess what I'm trying to say is that we shouldn't be together anymore and since you're a part of who I was in my past I think we shouldn't be together anymore." I said looking him dead in the eye.
   "WHAT!! Are you being serious right now?" He said looking at me with wide eyes..
   "You heard me Grayson." I said which caught Virginias attention. "You were dating Jessica and not Alessandra and since I'm starting a new chapter in my life I think it's better if you did too."
    "So you're serious?!" He yelled, looking hurt and betrayed.
   "I'm dead serious Grayson." I said staring at him while holding back tears.
   "Okay fine have it your way!" As he was walking away angrily I noticed a flash coming, as I looked closer I saw a gun being pointed his way which made my heart speed up... I reached out and pulled him behind the car.
"What are you doing!" He said angrily glaring at me.
"There was a guy pointing a gun at you." I said as my voice trembled a bit. "We need to let Virginia and Blake know."
"We'll let them know as soon as I know it isn't a false alarm, now tell me where the guy was?" He whispered.
"He was standing behind the trees." I said pointing towards the trees to the right of the car about approximately 50 feet away. Where I had seen the guy.
"Someone followed us!" He said pulling out his own gun." BLAKE, GET Virginia and Jess to safety." He yelled pushing me slightly to where Virginia and Blake were on the side of the car.
"LET HER GO!!" An angry female voice said making me stop in my tracks and notice that the girl was pointing a gun at us.
Grayson aimed his gun at the girl who was slightly hiding behind one of the trees.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A guys voice said from behind Grayson causing him to whip around quickly and now aim his gun at the guy who I now recognized as Derek.
"JESS come with me." The girls voice came again.
"Ashley?!" I said looking at her in disbelief. "What are you doing here?!"
"I'm saving you from the worst mistake of your life." She said. I looked at her with a glare.
"And how would you know that it's the worst mistake?" I asked.
"Because my real name was never Ashley my real name was Eve okay." She said. "And that guy you know as Grayson isn't even Grayson to start with."
"What is she talking about?!" I asked turning and looking at Grayson.
"Nothin she's crazy!" He yelled.
"ARE YOU SURE?!" Came a deep voice from behind us. "Because last time I checked my name is Grayson Black and you are no longer a member of the gang, ever since my father found out you're a traitor." A tall guy about 6feet tall came out of the shadows, I took in his appearance and if this was not a serious situation I would be drooling because this guy is HOT..
"Okay what's going on!?" Blake said coming out of the hotel with Virginia by his side, they had gone in as soon as Grayson told them to leave. "Grayson!" Blake yelled taking in the sight in front of him.
  "Yes Blake I'm back and I see that you've And I see that you've been telling people that our enemy is your brother." Grayson or if that's even his name said.
"What the heck is he talking about?!" Virginia asked noticing the position that "Grayson" was in.
"Okay you know what I'm tired." I said as I looked at everyone who had stopped to stare at me. "I don't care about any of this right now all I want is to find my family and make sure they're safe, and this bullshit isn't helping turns out Grayson isn't Grayson and that Mr Greek god over there is Grayson. I seriously can't take this and to think you were trying to protect me.!" I yelled at "Grayson".
"I was Jess, I really do care." He said struggling in Derek's grip.
"Just go to hell!" I said with venom in my voice and turning around only to hear a shot being fired.
I spun around so quick only to see the guy that claims to be Grayson pointing a gun at the guy that I had managed to fall in love with now laying on the ground with a bullet hole in his chest and blood surrounding him.
   "WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" Ashley yelled looking as shocked as Virginia and I did.
   "I did what had to be done." The guy answered with no emotion in his voice.
  That's when I snapped out of it and ran to "Grayson".. "Gray wake up." I said while crying historically and shaking him. "You can't leave me, please come back. You promised me you wouldn't leave.. you said you would be there when I found my family.. YOU PROMISED." I said sobbing. As I pulled his face to my chest.
   "Jess." Virginia said standing beside me with tears in her eyes. "He's gone, you need to let him go."
   "He's all I had Virginia." I sobbed as she pulled me into a hug. "He killed him with no mercy."
  "It's going to be okay we'll get through this." She whispered.
"Can you two stop you're going to make me puke." The guy said which caused all the anger in me to come out.
"YOU KILLED HIM!" I yelled letting go of Virginia, walking up to the guy and shoving him. "And it's all because of you!!" I yelled at Ashley. "If you had never been following us he would still be alive, you claim to want the best for me and you don't want me to go through what you went through... When you don't know shit of what I want and now another person I loved is dead because of YOU!!" I yelled about to swing at her when Virginia held me back.
"I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL.!!" I yelled at the guy turning around, but I was quickly turned around by a tight grip on my wrist. "Where do you think you're going princess?" The guy said pulling me towards him.
"Let go!" I said.
"LET HER GO!!" Virginia yelled at him trying to walk up to him but got held back by Blake.
"You haven't forgotten you're still in the gang right." The guy said causing both of us to shake our heads. "Great."
"Who are you?" I whispered.
"Adrian Delgado." Was the last thing I heard before a cloth was put right on my face... and then all I saw was black.


Hey guys it's been a while and I'm really sorry... I don't really have an excuse for not updating but I hope you enjoy this short chapter. :)

Not edited..

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