Chapter 25- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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"Did you understand what you are meant to do?" Adrian asked for the millionth time this morning.
"Yes i understand what i'm meant to do, just stop pushing the subject before i refuse to actually do this." i said irritated at how many times he had explained to me what i was meant to do.
Basically what i was meant to do was to go to some underground club and try to get the leader there to notice me, distracting him mean while Adrian and Blake found some files they needed to make sure their assumptions of what they were going through were true. Adrian had a very specific way of how he wanted me to approach the guy and gave me specific pointers on what i was meant to wear to capture his attention, because apparently what i wear is not revealing enough.
"Just making sure. I don't want anything to go wrong." He repeated over again. "Especially not be put in the situation where we have to rescue you because you get caught."
"We get it you don't want her getting hurt!" Blake said rolling his eyes and smirking. "Now let her get dressed so we can head out, it's already going to be strange for a pretty girl to be at the club so early during the day."
"Alright common Aless, let's get you dressed." During this mission Ashley is meant to come with me and act as if she was my sister or close friend and i would end up "hooking" up with the leader while she went and did her own thing and distracted his security..
"Alright so you'll be wearing a tight short dress with your hair down and some high heels I'll give you a dramatic make-up look so that it's not as easy to recognize you." She said getting to it...

Virginia's P.O.V

It's been about 2 months since i last saw Jess and the others, my life has been hell ever since i was brought here. The last time i saw Blake he seemed torn between doing his own thing or listening, but in the end he just ended up walking away which broke me because i thought he actually cared at least a little to try and protect me. Seeing Jess struggle against Adrians grip to try and get to me showed how much she really cared, but in the end I'm still here and there has been no attempt to getting me out of here.
I have been locked up in a room, only going out to eat and walk in the garden with gaurds always following me around. I met a girl here she was also captured, i don't really know her story all i know is that her name is Katrina and we only talk ones in a while.
"Virginia?" I heard Kat knock on the door. "Can i come in?"
"Yes come in." I said standing from my sitting position next to the barred window. She walked in and sat on my bed, she has pretty shoulder lengthed brown hair and pretty blueish/greyish eyes, she's very petite and yet on the taller side.
"I have something for you." She said taking an envelope out of her jean pocket. "Blake told me to give this to you." She said handing it to me.
"Blake? How? What do you mean?" I asked, completely confused. How did she know him and how would she get this if they can't come near here without starting a war.
"I was at the grocery store and as my gaurd was distracted he gave ut to me and told me to hand it to you." She said nodding towards the letter. I looked down and opened it, unfolding it to see the messy yet neat handwriting on it.

Dear Virginia,

It may seem as if i have just forgotten about you, but trust me I've been trying everything to get a plan to get you back. As you may know it isn't going as easy as i would hope, you know how Adrian is. Anyway just know i miss you and i haven't given up on getting you back, neither has Jess she really misses you. Just Hold on I'm going to get you and Katrina out of there i promise.

Blake Delgado

I let a tear slide down my cheek, before realizing what it said. Save Katrina, why?
"How do you know Blake?" I asked now more confused than before.
"It's kind of a long story, but i guess we have all the time in the world." She said smiling slightly, i nodded signaling her to proceed. "Blake was my bestfriend before i got captured, Adrian was my boyfriend. Everything was fine we were all inseparable, although Ashley never liked me much she thought i was to clingy and that i was basically taking her brothers attention away from her."
I nodded taking in the information.
"Anyways, that was like 2 years ago. Adrian was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, he was so caring and he put others before himself we were what you would call in love. Blake was my bestfriend we would spend a lot of time together and we were like brother and sister, like i said before Ashley didn't like me much but we had our moments where we stuck together and supported one another. I was there when their mother first mentioned Jess for the first time, she talked so fondly of her they all began to care for her immediately." She said looking into the distance and taking a deep breath. "I knew that Adrian loved me but i started to sense a strange change in his emotions, i could tell he started to care a little to much for that Jess girl and he hadn't even met her yet. His mom loved the girl cared so much for her. Adrian and Blake loved doing good things and they were so caring and loving towards everyone. That all changed though, the day their mother was killed. It hit Adrian and Ashley the hardest, Adrian distanced himself a lot from me and closed himself out to his own siblings. The day we were finally going to talk about our relationship and how we were going to work things out was the day i was captured."
She looked heart broken thinking about the past. "You see the difference between Blake and Adrian is that Blake gets what he wants no matter what rules are broken and Adrian has always been one to follow rules no matter what. Last time i talked to Blake was when they tried finding me and when they did Adrian left immediately after he saw the mark on my kneck. Last time we talked he told me how ruthless Adrian became and how he had closed himself up and how he barely let anyone in."
I just looked at her not knowing what to say. "And that's the story.?" I asked.
"Not all of it, but the rest isn't my place to tell." She said, standing up and walking towards the door. "Just know if Blake is up to something we'll be out of here soon."
And that's how i was left alone ones again in my room. Now i was stuck thinking of everything they have been through. And Now i just had to destroy the note to make sure no one found out about the plan.
I thought things couldn't get any worse but every minute got closer to a beating.

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now