Chapter 18- Falling For the gangleaders son..

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I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs, I really wasn't in the mood to be in a good mood I really need time to grief over everything that has happened to my family and I.. I got out of bed and made my way to the closest picking out an outfit and getting into the shower after i got out I brushed my teeth and got dressed.

 I got out of bed and made my way to the closest picking out an outfit and getting into the shower after i got out I brushed my teeth and got dressed

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I made my way downstairs and found Virginia, Blake and Grayson sitting on the couch watching a random show that was on TV. "Good morning." I said softly and walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast.
    "Hey how are you doing?" Grayson asked walking into the kitchen shortly after I did.
   "Not so well, my brother is dead Gray and I don't know where the rest of my family is and I don't even know if we'll find whoever has them." I said as I poured myself a glass of milk and sighed heavily.
    "Jess I promised you that we would find them." He said walking up to me and meeting my eyes. "And the gang and I keep our promises."
   I just looked at him not knowing what to say, none of us were even sure if we would be able to find whoever took my family away from me.
   "Look i know it's hard to believe, but the gang and i will do whatever it takes to find them." Gray said with a look of determination. "And we're also going to make sure that you and Virginia are safe, meaning you're no longer going to live here." He stated, leaving no room for argument.
    "And where exactly are you talking us?" I asked with curiosity in my voice.
"We're going to take you to my dads Mansion it's way safer and bigger than here." He answered. "And i would recommend that you start packing right now because we're getting you out of here today."
    I looked at him dumbfounded. "Are you serious?" I asked.
   "Yes I'm serious Jess, I think it would be better if we join Virginia and Blake in the living toom in order to tell you the rest." He said walking out of the kitchen and heading to the living room.
   "Okay then." I said to myself before walking out and sitting on the couch next to Virginia.
    "How are you doing?" She asked softly.
   "I've had better days, but I'll have time to grieve once we find the assholes that have my family." I mumbled back at her, she gave me a small nod signaling that she understood..
"Are you okay with these two wanting to take us to their dads house?" She asked pointin at Grayson and Blake which catched their attention.
"Well I don't think we have a choice." I said looking at Grayson who already had his eyes on me.
"Are you guys serious?! What about my family, I'm only 17 they would never allow me to move into a strangers home." Virginia said sounding a bit upset.
"We can't risk you girls getting hurt." Blake said speaking up. "You girls can't go to the same school either, it's to risky we can't have te people after Jess going to the school and taking you girls away. They know to much about you girls already." I turned and looked at Grayson with my mouth slightly open.
"You never said anything about not going to the same school." I said looking at him shocked. "We can't just disappear from the face of the earth."
"That's exactly what you girls are going to do, as of today Jessica Cullen and Virginia Ambers are missing." Grayson said, making Virginias jaw drop as well as my own.
"WHAT?!!" Virginia and I yelled at the same time.
"You heard correctly as of today your names are no longer Jessica or Virginia." Blake said. "You girls are going to have a full makeover, you are not going to the same school and you girls are never to mention your real identity to anyone."
"Jessica I know it's hard but it's for your own good." Grayson said.
"I understand." I stated simply, I can't believe I'm going to give up my past.
"Virginia as of today your name is Aisha Colt." Blake said handing her a sheet of paper. "You need to sign this in order to legally change your name and so people can no longer have a trace of you."
Virginia took a pen with shakey hands and signed on the paper officially changing her name to Aisha Colt, A tear slid down her cheek. From what i know she was really close to her family therefore this was going to be really hard for her.
"And Jess as of today your name is no longer Jessica Cullen but Alessandra Blackwood." Grayson said handing me the same looking sheet they gave to Virginia, I took the pen and without second thoughts I signed the paper.
"Alright well go gather your girls things and we also need your girls phones, they can easily be tracked."
"Are you serious it's not enough changing our identities but now you want our phones too!!" Virginia yelled, taking her phone and throwing it at the wall making it shatter. I looked at her shocked at her actions, I feel terrible for getting her involved in this mess.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have gotten you involved in this mess." I said pulling her into a hug, we stayed like that for a couple minutes.
   "It's okay, let's just go get our things." She said pulling away and wiping away tears. I nodded and headed upstairs to gather some cloths and also scatter some stuff around to make it believable that I went missing.
  I just grabbed my school bag and dumped all of the things out and I put as much cloths and a couple pairs of shoes that I could find in it. I decided to smash my phone and just leave it somewhere on the ground in case they tried tracking me it would just lead straight to my room and just hopefully they'll stop looking for me. I looked at my room for the last time before walking out and heading downstairs to leave my old life behind.
   "Are you ready?" Grayson asked as soon as I walked into the living room.
   "Do I have a choice." I said walking outside where Virginia and Blake stood by one of the cars. "What car are we taking?"
   "Mine." Grayson said opening up the door for me. I stepped in and put my bag in the back seat.
   "Where's your dads house located." I asked.
   "LA." He said casually as if it was nothing, that my made my eyes widen.
  "That's so far!" I said. "That's going to take at least three days or more by car."
   "I know plus the whole gang was planning to move to LA anyways." He said as if it was no big deal.
   "What about Ashley?" I asked. I know I'm asking so many questions but what do you expect when you're leaving your whole life behind.
  "She's part of your past now, as I said before Jessica is now missing and she no longer exists legally, you are now Alessandra and now one can know about your past." He said in a firm voice. I glared at him as he started the car and drove off with Virginia and Blake following behind.
  We've been on the road for about 2 hours and I have been ignoring Grayson the whole ride.
   "At least turn the radio on if you're going to ignore me." Grayson finally said breaking the silence. I just ignored him and stared out the window. "I'm doing this for your own good and you know that Jess."
   "I'm no longer Jess I'm Alessandra." I said mocking him and finally looking at him.
   "You're so stubborn!" He said frustrated.
   "Well deal with it." I said, he rolled his eyes and became quiet. I reached over to turn the radio on, one of my favorite songs started came on "Colors By Hasley."
  I smiled and started singing along with it. "Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so....." I sang until the song ended.
   "I never knew you could sing." Grayson said.
   "Well you never asked." I said smirking. "I'm Hungry!" I yelled after another 20 to 30 minutes on the road.
  "Cool." He said coldly, FINE he wants to play that game.
   "You know Cameron would have gotten me food." I said smirking, I could see that those words pissed him off a bit.
   "Seriously you're bringing him up, he tried to kill you." He said anger clear in his voice.
   "So that doesn't change the fact that he would get me food." I said, remembering how Cameron had pointed a gun at my head a while back, I shivered at the memory.
   "We're close to a store we'll get food there." He shot back glaring my way.
   "Damn what crawled up your ass and died." I asked laughing.
    "Can you just stop talking I'll get you your damn food." He growled at me.
  I started fake crying and saw a look of concern cross his face. "I knew you never cared about me." The car swerved to the side of the road and the engine was turned off.
   "Are you being serious." Grayson turned to me with a look of hurt which instantly made me feel bad for saying what I said. "How could you possibly say that if that was the case I wouldn't be risking anyone's life to keep you safe, I would have never made you give up your past, so don't you ever say I don't care!!" He snapped turning away and leaning his head against the steering wheel.
   I looked at him shocked I never knew he felt like that and making him feel like that made me feel like shit. I heard a car pull up behind us. I turned around to see Blake pulling up Virginia got out slamming the door shut, she walked the Grayson's car and opened the back door getting in and locking it just as Blake was going to open it.
   "Virginia stop being stubborn!" Blake yelled trying to open the door.
  "My name isn't Virginia it's Aisha!" She yelled back rolling her eyes.
    "What happened?" I asked turning and looked at her.
   "He was bringing his ex up and saying how she wasn't stubborn like me and that he wished my life was different so he didn't have to go through this." She said flying her hands around clearly angry.
   "Sound familiar." Grayson said looking over at me and glaring.
   "You started it!" I said to Grayson.
   "I started it!" He yelled angry. "You seriously want to go there, we're trying to protect you and all you've done is complain and put up a fight."
   "You're treating us like little girls, did you forget we're part of the gang now!" Virginia said butting in.
   "Last time I checked you girls were almost taken and raped." He shot back. "And if I didn't care as Jessica here says we wouldn't have helped you."
   "I'm over trying to help them!" Blake said from outside. "We'll stop at a hotel on the way and in the morning we'll all go our separate ways if that's what they want." He finished walking back to his car and getting in.
  "I think you should go back with him." I told Virginia softly.
   "Why? Because his ex used to do that?!" She asked sarcastically.
    "No I just think we all need to talk things out." I said glancing over at Grayson.
   "Okay." She said getting out of the car and heading back to Blakes car.
   After a minute of silence we were back on the road, I looked over at Grayson and noticed he was deep in thought.
   "Gray." I said softly, I saw him glance at me.
  "What?" He said still mad, I mean I don't judge him I would probably be mad too if he said that I didn't care.
  "I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone there, it's just last time a guy said he cared he was just using me and he didn't mean everything that he had told me." I said taking a deep breath. "I just don't want that to happen again."
  "Jess I would never lie about that." He said his voice a little calmer. "We'll talk about this in the morning, Go to sleep I can tell you're exhausted I'll wake you when we get to the hotel."
  "Okay." I said softly. "I truly am sorry though for saying that."
   "Jess it's alright like I said we'll talk in the morning when we're all thinking straight." He said his eyes on the road, I tried to get comfortable in the small space when I finally found a position I kinda liked I spoke.
  "Goodnight Gray." I said.
   "Goodnight Princess." He said softly..
   All you could hear was our breathing and the soft roar of the engine as we drove further away from my past......

Finally I got the time to update!!!🙌 I'm so sorry for not updating in quite a while..
    I hope you enjoy this short chapter😊

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