Chapter 12- Falling for the gangleaders son

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     This morning when i woke up i decided to take a quick shower before getting ready for school i had picked out my outfit before getting in the shower and it was nothing special(pic above) for my hair i just put it up into a high ponytail and for my make up i just did some powder, eyeliner and red lipstick (pic above). After all that jazz i got everything i need for school ready even though i planed on being late, currently it's 7:50am and school starts at 8:15am and with some luck I'll get there 10 minutes after the bell rings knowing that it takes around twenty minutes from where i live to get to school plus I ain't skipping breakfast..  So before walking out I decided to eat an apple since I'm not really hungry, also on my way out i grabbed my motorcycle keys and headed out on the way to school there was some traffic so when I finally got to school it was 8:35a.m as i headed to the main office to get a tardy slip I remembered that there was going to be a new student today.
    "What may i help you with Jessica." The braty office lady asked.
     "Isn't it obvious that i need a tardy slip?" I shot back rather rudley.
     "I get that but why are you late." She said filling in the slip.
      "I'm pretty sure thats for me to know and for you to not give a frick about." I shot back grabbing the slip.
     "That is not a way to talk to someone older than you." She yelled.
      "Does it look like I give a flying fuck about what i should and shouldn't do." I yelled back before heading to my class witch was math "how fun" note the sarcasm. As i walked in all eyes turned to look at me.
     "Would you like to explain to the class why you are so late today after being absent yesterday." Mr. Taylor asked.
     "Okay, I was late because i wanted to be late." I said with a smirk on my face.
     "I will not tolerate that kind of attitude in my classroom Jessica, if this happens again your getting a detention. Now take a seat." He ordered, I rolled my eyes and headed to the back where i usually sit to see a girl sitting in my seat i had to fight the urge not to be a bitch but i guess it didn't work.
     "Excuse me but i think you're kind of in my seat." I said sounding cold.
     "Oh im sorry i didn't know this seat was taken, you see I'm new here." She said looking down at her hand, so the new student is a girl.
     "Jessica i said take a seat not to talk." Mr. Taylor said.
     "Well you see Mr. Shes in my seat." I said turning to look at him.
     "I don't see your name on it, now go find an empty seat." He ordered, rolling my eyes i turned and looked for an empty seat and the only empty seat was in between the new girl and Grayson.
"This can't be happening."  I thought to myself. It took all the power in me to take a seat and not run out the door, i took out my notebook to take whatever notes were on the board and just kept my gaze on the board feeling Grays eyes on me through out the class.
    "Ok class I'm going to be handing out a sheet of paper to each person and you'll be working with the people in the table you are sitting at." Mr. Said you've got to be kidding me, the last thing I want to do is talk to Grayson When Mr. Passed out all the papers i turned and faced the new girl not wanting to talk to Grayson.
     "Hi." I said. "I'm sorry for being rude earlier, it's just not my day. My name is Jessica but you can call me Jess."
     "Hi and it's fine, my name is Virginia." She said smiling.
     "Nice to meet you, not to be nosey or anything but where did you move from?" I asked.
     "I was actually raised here in Miami but i was home schooled for a while and i finally decided that i wanted to go out and make some friends and have  experience my last year of high school ." She said smiling.
     "Oh thats cool." I said looking back at my paper and started workimg on it.
As i was about to start on the second problem on the worksheet i felt a tap on my shoulder i knew who it was so i ignored it at first but that didn't work since he kept doing it over and over again, I finally decided to turn and face him.
"What do you want!" I whispered/yelled.
"Why are you ignoring me." He asked sounding upset.
"Because I have enough problems in my life already i dont need you to be one of them too." I said.
"How am i one of those problems?" He asked looking hurt. I didn't like doing this but i had to.
"Because ever since your supposedly protecting me my life has turned worst than it used to be." I wispered back. "Now stop talking to me Grayson."
"Not until you tell me what the note i gave you in the clinic said." He said.
"Well then just keep dreaming because i don't want you knowing anything else about me, plus you shouldn't even care it's my life not yours after all now stop talking to me!" I fired back just as the bell rang and i walked out as fast as possible.
"Wait up Jess!" I heard Virginia yell from behind me.
"What?" I asked not wanting to talk to anyone.
"Can i hang with you today, I don't know anyone here and I don't want to be alone." She said. I thought for a minute about what i had sworn to my self but i thought ah fuck it i need on friend at least.
"Fine, I'm just warning you I'm not going to hang outside or anything I'm going to ditch this place." I said trying to see if she might change her mind.
"Ok, so where are we off to?" She asked.
"Well i was gonna go home, but now im thinking we should go get some ice cream?" I asked.
"Yeag that's alright, so where's your car?" She asked looking around. I started laughing like an idiot for no aperante reason.
"Well I didn't bring my car so we're taking my motorcycle." I said she only nodded and followed me as soon as we got on we headed to Ben and Jerry's ic cream.
"Virginia you go find a table and I'll go get some ice cream." I said as i walked of.
When i came back i gave Virginia her ice cream and we just chatted about some stuff like what our favorite color was and favorite book etc. Everything was going fine until I heard a voice from behind me say.
"So nice to see you again Jess." A deep voice said from behind me, no it can't be him no why is he here i thought i would never see him again and to confirm my thoughts i turned and looked at him and surely it was him.....
(Who could it be????)
(Picture of virginia above)

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