Chapter 28- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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    Today is the day of the big event, Ashley and I were getting ready. Turns out yesterdat was a pretty busy day, they needed Ashley's and I's help with the decorations. The event was going to be heald at a hall 20 minutes away from our house, so last nighy we made some final touch ups before coming home to rest. Adrian was so busy as well, he would throw me smiles once in a while. Blake on the other hand seemed to be really distant once again, talking about Blake he still had not gone over the plan to get Virginia back with me. Anyways on to getting ready.
"Ouch." I groaned, Ashley was currently doing my hair into loose curls and she kept pulling really hard at it, although it wouldn't take long because i had cut it short a couple days ago. "Is this really necessary."
"Of course it is, not to mention you're basically dating my brother which means there has to be a good first impression." She said ignoring my complaint amd proceeding. It was currently 1 in the afternoon, we had to be ready by 4 to head to the event. I still have to do my make-up and try on the dress, it's a simple fitted of the shoulder pearl dress pretty yet elegant. Which i really liked because it wasn't to much. "So, how is everything going on with Virginia's escape plan."
"Well Adrian hasn't really left my side so i haven't had a chance to really go over it with Blake." I said with a small frown. "But hopefully soon i can get that outta the way."
"Alright then, well I'm done. You should get started with your make-up while I get started with my hair." She said, i looked in the mirror and my hair was really nothing special, although i feel like short hair suits me better.
I got started with my make-up, adding only a light layer of foundation. I filled in my eyebrows and did really minimal eye make-up, to finish up the look i added a bold red lip. This took me about 30 minutes as i didn't really want to do much makeup. I stood up and helped Ashley finish up her hair that took about another 30 minutes because her hair is so much longer and thicker than my own. Once we were done with that she did her own makeup which she kept really natural, as she wasn't a girl who really even liked wearing it. She brought out both dresses, hers was a simple black of the shoulder dress. She claimed she wanted to keep everything on the down low. It was a little past 3 when we started dressing up, i had a golden chain braclet with a ring attached and a simple necklace to match as an accessory and i would be wearing nude sandal heels. Ashley was only going to wear a simple necklace and golden heels. We got dressed just in time to hear the boys calling us from downstairs complaining how long we take to get ready.



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Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now